District 8: Trapped

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The cannon boomed. Now there were 23 of us left. Who had gone down? Harry was getting mint leaves and berries. Where was he?

I ran screaming his name until I ran into him. But he was fine.

"I thought it was you," I said embracing him.

"I'm fine," he replied.

"Not for long," said a voice from behind me. And I was grabbed from Harry.


Kendra screamed. She was hoisted above the ground by a scared looking Nathan from District 6. But it wasn't him. Well, it was. But he had been bewitched or something. And then I saw tracker jacker stings. He must have ran into a nest.

I tried to clear my head. I needed to save her. But with what?

I looked around until I saw it. A spear Kendra had carved out of tree bark.

I quickly grabbed it. It seemed like everything was in slow motion. But I had to kill him.

THe cannon boomed again.

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