District 2: The Interviews

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Marvel and Glimmer had both rocked their interviews. Now it was my turn.

"So Cato, what an amazing score. A 10! Fabulous!" The crowd hooted and hollered.

"Thank you."

"What are you looking forward to?"

"To winning of course!" I said laughing and flexing my muscles. The crowd went wild.

"Now, you volunteered for someone. Were you close to him?"

I sighed as I began my story, "No, actually," now the crowd was completely tuned in to me. "My younger sister Ivy is best friends with my fellow tribute Adriana."

"So you volunteered to protect her for your sister?"


"The noble man Cato from District 2!"


"Now we just heard Cato's story. What do you think of this?"

"Flattered really. But shocked; completely and utterly shocked. Cato's nice. But he never really showed me any affection. I've always just been Ivy's friend. Nothing more or less."

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