The Reunion: Peeta

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Once President Kelley had finished the announcement, I ran. I ran from Alaina and Josh. And then I bumped (literally) into another tribute.

*        *        *

I got up slowly to find myself in a cave. But I wasn't alone. It was Alyssa who was sitting next to me.

"Peeta, both tributes from District 3, Kambre and Taylor, were killed. It was the Gamemakers. A fire."

I tried to sit up.

"Don't," she said. "You're weak. And I wouldn't be surprised if you also had a concussion."

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"We're on the same team now," was all she said in reply.


"What?" she snapped in reply.

"That's not a good enough reason." I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me. She ended up falling on my chest.

"I don't think my reason involves words," she replied gulping.

And then I kissed her. And she was kissing me back. Something in my chest stirred.

She pulled away. And then she whispered, "I love you." And she lay her head on my chest.

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