the party part two!

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Once everyone had arrived it was time to dance! California Gurls by Katy Perry came on so I jumped up and grabbed the nearest person to dance with me. It was Louis; he was drinking at the time so he had to through the empty glass at Liam who was sitting next to him.

“Sorry but I love this song!” I said laughing.

“Harry likes you ya know” he said while doing his favourite dance move; Stop the traffic let ‘em through. I span around to look at Harry for a brief moment so it wouldn’t look like we were talking about him. He was on another glass of beer and there was a couple of empty glasses around him. He looked quite sad.

“Under what terms?” I questioned Louis

“Like, Like-like you like love you. He told me this morning. While getting your present.” He told me. I bit my lip. The song finished so I walked over to Harry and took the beer out of his hands.

“That’s enough of them I think” I said drinking it myself. It was very bitter. I made a face. Harry laughed.

“Serves you right for drinking my beer then” he chuckled.

“How many have you had?” I asked looking at him.

“Bout, two” he said moving his hair out of his face. “I need to talk to you” he said taking my hand and walking me out of the hall, up the stairs until it was quieter. We sat down on the stairs next to my room.

“Listen Emily-“ he said before I broke him off

“Call me Em for the last time!” I said laughing

“Okay, Em, I don’t really know how to tell you this or how you are going to take it but, erm, I- I love you. I have since I met you. Your funny, kind, caring, intelligent, forgiving, everything!” he said. By now he had taken my hand and was looking straight into my eyes. I could see his green eyes sparkle as he said this.

“Well, I don’t know what to say...” I said biting my lip. I do this when I am nervous.

“Say yes then” Harry laughed

“Yeah” I giggled.

“So, you will be my girlfriend right?” he asked.

“Are you drunk?”

“If I was drunk then this would be the best thing I have ever done when drunk” he grinned

“Yes Harry, I would love to be your girlfriend” I said as he pulled out a box out from his jacket pocket.

“Oh god you aren’t going to propose are you?” I asked laughing.

“No, but I would like to give you this, Harry birthday Emily, Happy 18th birthday babe” he said giving me a small thin box with ‘Tiffany’ on the top.

“Harry” I said glaring at him.

“Just open the box Em!” he said laughing moving his hair to the correct position again. I opened the box and inside was a black cat necklace made up of crystals.

“Harry, you shouldn’t have, but it is nice, very nice” I said grinning at him. He spun me around and clipped the necklace in place. We stood up and I was pulled into Harrys toned chest.

“It looks beautiful, the necklace isn’t too bad either.” he said kissing me for head grinning.

“Neither are you” I said as we lent in to kiss. His lips slowly touched mine but we were interrupted.

“Come on Emily your mum wants you, oh! What’s going on here then?” Kimberley smirked in the door way as she caught us.

“Well” Harry said pulling me at the hip into him and hugging me.

“Are you two…?” she broke off putting her head on one side “Together?” she finished. We grinned at her.

“Don’t go shouting it out though please, let’s see if anyone else guesses” I said giggling.

“Or walks in on you” Kimberley said walking away shaking her head. We laughed and followed her out onto the hall again. It was now full of people.

“Nice necklace by the way” Kimberley said winking. I grinned and walked over to my mum up on the DJ booth with a micro phone. Oh god, here comes the 5 hour speech!

“Now, it only feels like yesterday when you had little pink dresses on Emily and was carrying around this little feller!” My mum said holding up a teddy I used to carry around everywhere. I turned into a tomato.

“MUM!” I said covering my face. She did this a lot, embarrassing me in front of my friends. She got the baby pictures out at my 15th birthday before.

“I won’t embarrass you any more honey, but, I will need paying back for the present that is outside though” she said grinning

“What?” I shouted and suddenly ran outside of the hall to find the most amazayn car ever! It was an aqua blue and had the One Direction logo along the sides. It had purple seats and pink fluffy dice as well in the front window. “OMG MUM I LOVE IT!” I said running up to her and giving her a big hug.

“Auntie Emily. Can I beep the horn please!?” I little voice came from my right. It was Rosie.

“Of course you can, here.” I said opening the door to the car and lifting her in.

“I like your necklace auntie Emily; it has a pussy cat on it” She said looking at my necklace that harry gave me.

“Haha, yes indeed a pussy cat” I said grinning as she beeped the horn.

“Back inside for the food, the food table is now open.” My dad called from the hall doorway. Niall sped off in the direction of the hall. All that kid does is eat! I took my dad’s hand and walked into the hall to get food before Niall ate it all. Half the crisps had gone. Four pork pies and 5 chicken legs were also missing. Niall was sitting down at the table stuffing his face with crisp listening to the song that was playing.

“Niall, do you ever stop eating?” I asked sitting down with him with my full plate of food. Unlike Niall, I had fruit and veg on my plate. Well, strawberry and carrot sticks but yeah,

“MHMMMM” came from Niall’s full mouth. I didn’t bother trying to work out what he said. I finished my food and walked up to my room to check on the kitten. The kitten was fine but I wondered what I was going to call her. Tiddles? No too normal. Socks? No still to normal. I gave up and walked down the stairs and was met by Harry in the hall.

“Hey Em, what were you doing up there?” Harry said moving his hair again.

“Checking on the kitten Mollie got me for my birthday” I said moving my hair also.

“Cool, you look lovely tonight by the way Em, I mean it.” Harry said smiling at me.

“That’s because I am fabulous!” I said flicking my hair behind me and sticking out my hip pouting. Harry burst out laughing. “I am joking. Thanks Harry, you look quite dapper yourself Haz” I said sorting out his blazer which was tucked in at the neck a little.


“HAHAHA we are coming!” I called grining. Time to cut the cake. I haven’t seen the cake yet. Wonder what it is like. Hmmmmmm.

well here is the next chpter guys hope you like it. its quite long this one. Please vote and comment on what you think and what needs to be improved. thanks guys xx Emily -x-

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