Lioness | Kefira

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She bears the banner of red and gold
One for her hair, the other her soul
A true lioness, fiery and bold
Her spirit is young but her wisdom is old
There's strength in a pride, that much is true
But she'll stand alone if they need her to
Willing to defend her view
The fears she faces are very few
To tame her mane is to tame her too
Impossible as well she knew
A pocket sized tornado to alter reality's hue
A lion of the wild, not of the zoo
No matter the prejudice others keep
She'll always be the one to speak
To take a leap
Protecting the weak
For a lion doesn't concern herself with the opinion of sheep
She quells her fire to lend an ear
To hear the things others don't care to hear
She prowls the nightmares of those that jeer
Determined to keep the innocent clear
Her mission is to combat fear
And on her heart the words are seared:
Though she be but tiny
She be fierce.


As with the last poem, this is based off of a character in a book by kmbell92, whose name is Kefira Walsh. She is probably one of the most inspiring characters to ever exist, so if you haven't read the book Brave, I'd really recommend it.

I'd just like to thank you all so much, as it was brought to my attention by a reader that this book is the highest in 'rising' under the genre of poetry, and apparently has been there for a while.

You guys are awesome, and as always, I really appreciate the support.

Alex xxx

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