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You deface my belongings with Dora the Explorer plasters
We argue over who is the fastest
To eat dinner and wash the plates
And if we smash a few, it's my mistake

I covered your bedroom in toilet roll
Then to clean it I made your sign over your soul
In crayon onto a sheet of printer paper
That you split OJ over later

You ripped open my beanbag but before I could blow
You claimed the polystyrene filling looked like snow
Tossed a handful into my hair
And charged it remained suspended there

If I upset you, you won't get a kiss or a hug
Just an attempt to escape the hole I dug
An offer to do something that you choose
It's guilt that I only express by the choice to lose

Affection isn't used when it should fit
Because we've been raised to suppress it
But that doesn't mean we're not a team
We're closer than it might outwardly seem


I actually wrote this a couple of years ago, but I was looking over it and it still seems relevant, so here you go.

Perhaps a bit more literal than my usual poems, but I think it gets across the point well.

Thank you for your support, and have an awesome day.

Alex xxx

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