Chapter. Twenty Four. A Moment I Want To Forget.

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Brianna's P.O.V

I was sitting in the warm black G Wagon when he told me he loved Charlie and wanted to be with her forever. Which was pretty shocking since Kristen seemed heartless, cruel, and bitter. He never took his eyes off his phone and wore his shades everywhere. Keith says his hiding his man tears. Anyway, that day was when I saw another side of Kristen and side of him that actually wanted love!

Well, that was a year ago, so uh yeah.

I get out of bed and walk downstairs before I could walk in the kitchen I hear Chris saying

"Brianna doesn't open up to anyone unless she either needs to or wants to hurt your feels so bad that you pee your pants."

I do?

"She was hurt so bad back in 2013 that she doesn't let anyone into her heart." He continued "She can smell bullshit from a mile away that's why every guy thinks twice before they could approach her."

I walk into the kitchen and fold my arms

"So no you guys discuss me!"

Everyone freezes and stares at me.

"You were fighting a day ago and now you giving lectures about me!"

Why are they so quiet, don't they realize how to hurt I am! Their skulls are really that thick.

Tyler stands up and grabs a cup from the counter and pours coffee in it.

I stand there in confusion!

What were they thinking, I mean why are they still staring at me?

I unfold my arms and stand up straight. I walk in and open the fridge I grab a can of juice and walk back out.

As soon as my foot touches the first step. I hear Chris say

"See when you keep quiet and stare at her, she'll go away!"

I slowly walk upstairs and into my room. I toss my body onto the bed and pul my phone closer to me.

It chimes as soon as I unlock it

Can I come in? -Nick

I roll my eyes and lock my phone. I get up from my bed and walk to the door. Nick was standing there staring At his phone.

"Come in!"

He walks in and closes the door behind him.

"I'm assuming you heard what Chris said after you left the kitchen?"



He sits on the bed and takes a deep breath.

"Do you remember the night we had sex?"

"No, do you?"

Yes, you do dummy! You were sober enough to remember.

"Yes, I remember all of it."

My eyes widen.

"You were so drunk, you couldn't walk I took you upstairs and tucked you in."

Then how did we have sex? Why were we naked and hungry? Answer that!

"At five in the morning you came downstairs and woke me up, you asked me to come lay with you cause you saw a monster in your closet. I assumed you were still drunk so I went up with you. I got into bed with you and sat there with you. You held me so tight I couldn't even move anymore. The way you held me...You've never held me like that before."

I could feel my tears stream down my cheeks.

I held him so tight cause I knew how much I needed him. How much I wanted him in my life. And how things ended was so bad I wish I could've stopped myself from saying goodbye. The only reason why I went downstairs is cause I knew he wouldn't go home without seeing if I woke up okay. Even when he pinned me against the wall I couldn't help but want him.

I snap out of my thoughts as he continues.

"And when you asked me to make love to you, I was so shocked. But then you started to kiss me passionately and undress me, I couldn't say no right."

I got up and sat next to him.

"You knew, didn't you?"

"Yes, I think I know you well enough to see when you sober and drunk."

"I had a headache though!"

He puts his around me and pulls me closer to him. I rest my head on his shoulder and continue with my thoughts.

No one loves me as he does, he waited so long to be with me and I just shoved him off every time he tried to get close. Now I want him close and don't want him to leave my side. I feel like an idiot, I mean he's so warm and smells good all the flipping time. His smart, funny and knows how to cook which is highly rare in this house, a guy that could cook a whole meal and not ask me how to turn on the stove. Just perfect really.

He slowly removes my head from his shoulder and turns my head so I could look at him. He leans in and kisses me. Something I've missed about him. His soft plush lips that made me forget about the outside world. He puts one hand on my cheek and his other free hand on my waist. I could feel myself melting. The next thing I knew my head was resting on his bare chest and I was biting my thumbnail at the thought of what just happened.

Felt good though. I didn't regret anything and I'm sure my soul was smiling right now.

I get out of bed and put my pants and shirt back on. I walk downstairs and walk into the study room we all barely used. I took out a box with an old recorder in it and took it to my room.

Charlie stares at me and asks.

"What are you going to do with that old thing?"

"You'll see!"

I get out of our room and place the recorder in Nick's room and quickly walk out before I could wake him.

I wait a couple of hours eating chips, ice cream, pizza, and watch movies with Charlie.

After the guys all go downstairs to play basketball I walk back into Nick's room and grab the recorder.

I place it on the bed and press play.

"I thought we were going to play with the girl's minds not sleep with them!" Christopher shouts in a shaken voice

"I didn't agree to anything, I love her and I ain't gonna play with her like that!!" Nick said with a bit of anger in his tone.

"You know what Chris you can do this on your own, I love Charlie and I'm giving her back the ring." Kristen interrupted

"You guys no nothing bout guy code!" Chris said in a steady voice

"Just apologize to her already and stop trying to make us hate her..." Nick added "Just let it go and you'll probably feel better bout yourself. I'm out." He concluded

"Fuck y'all!" Chris shouted

The door slammed and the recording ended 

Charlie's eyes widen.

"Wait that's it?"

"Yeah, I guess when he slammed the door the recording ended or something..."

"Oh, the bright idea to put that in there."

"Yeah didn't feel safe leaving my iPhone there, I love my baby too much!"

"Lies you wouldn't have lasted two minutes without it."


We both laugh and continue watching the movie.

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