Chapter.Eight. Can I Say Goodbye?

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Sorry, the previous chapter was short I published it before I could finish.

Brianna's P.O.V.


I could barely breathe, when I cant process everything fast enough I start to panic and I lose all my senses I hyperventilate and collapse right on the spot.

But this time I didn't collapse. Which was shocking for me.

I look back to see the guys with straight faces for the first time in my life, even when we were fighting with them, they would never pull that straight face. That specific moment would not end.

I kept closing my eyes and opening em hoping I'm just having one of those morning nightmares. But no! It was real, the guys really pull out their guns which I didn't know they had, Charlie's father was really pointing a gun at me and Charlie, I really lost all feeling in my legs.

Nick and Kristen step in front of us still pointing their guns at the goons.   

There's a sudden silence.

Chris lowers his gun and says.

"You need to leave as you can see, ur children aren't interested in leaving with you."

"I want to hear it from them, not you."

Kyle steps forward and says.

"I speak for both me and Charlie, you abandoned us, made us feel like we were unwanted by our own father, you can't take us away from the love we had to build, the love we've earned from being honest, caring and loving, and most importantly being there for the people that love us back."

Wow. Those words touched what was left of my soul.

Charles turns to his goons and wipes his nose with the back of his hand.

He chuckles and looks back at us.

Charlie wipes her tears and looks at him.

"You are so not gonna attempt to waltz back in our lives, after letting us suffer for so long! You are gonna leave and never ever come back!"

He still keeps quiet and stares at us like a hungry five-year-old.

He signals his goons to lower their guns. And shoves his at down his lower back. The guys lower their guns too. He turns around and his goons follow him. Before he turns the corner he mouths.

"I'm sorry!"

I think those last few words killed Charlie's soul, cause as soon as he turned the corner she falls to her knees and cries.

For the next few hours, we all set on the couch with tubs of cookie dough ice cream, chips, Oreos, and red Lickerish.


Charlie's P.O.V

The pain won't go away, everything feels dull and I don't know, I don't believe that just happened, I believe it was a long daydream during math class.

Why won't it end, please Someone makes it stop.

After all these years, I finally felt that thing that stung so badly that I would rip someone's head off their bodies. I've never felt such pain divulge my heart so badly.

Brianna rubs my back as she stands up and heads upstairs. Kristen sits next to me.

"Uh, how are you feeling now?"

"I don't know."

"Charlie talk to me."


"Why are you shutting me out, I'm trying to be here for you."

"I never asked you to."

"The hell?"

"You may leave."

He folds his arms and looks up.

"I'm not going anywhere till you start talking."

I place my head on his shoulder and let the tear stream out. He wraps me and I start to fall apart.

That's when I knew, it was all real. And all I needed to do is find out who gave him my location.

"Kristen, where'd you get the gun?"

"Uh. What?"

"Where'd you get the gun and how'd you know you need it today?"

"Well um..."

"Did you guys know they'd come."

Nick walks into the room, I stand up and hug my tiny blanket with a huge teddy bear on it.

"Who told you!!"

They stare at each other and Brianna comes downstairs and stands at the door.

She looks around and says

"Well answer her question, did you know they'd come??"

Tears start to fall down my cheek I turn to the TV and start sobbing.

Brianna comes up behind me and rubs my back in small circles.

Nick clears his throat.

"Uh, we got an email From your dad two weeks back."

Kristen gets up.

"We didn't wanna upset you, I mean. You were so Happy and receiving that email, well made us believe we could take control we didn't know he'd come so soon."

I drop my blanket and face them.

"You had no right to keep information like this from me, you had no absolute freaking right. I'm hurt, practically destroyed because of this day, and I could have prepared myself for this amount of pain, but no! No! You decided to kill me from the inside!"

It went silent. I could hear Sammy yelling and laughing outside with his friend Miranda. They wouldn't speak they looked down like the guilt told them to. But no! They knew I'd be hurt, but they still continued. I wouldn't be hurt right now! I would be begging for death!

"What you got nothing to say! You've really done it this time Kristen. I hate you."

I turn to the stairs and walk up to my room. I slam the door and jump on my bed.

Death is all I want right now! 

Brianna's P.O.V

"Why didn't you tell us, that Charles was gonna be here?? And I know you didn't think of her feelings. Kristen, you'd tell her immediately."

"He made it quite clear that he'd kill everyone I warned you guys."

His words made me realize that he will back to that he wasn't done, he was just preparing us. Charles just wants to dance on our graves. He wants to torture us from within. But what do I day to everybody, we have to leave, I have to protect my family! I have to make sure they safe from all of this.

What's my conclusion?

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