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Today was the big day, Zoe and Alfie were getting married. The boys were all at the hotel with Alfie while Tanya, Poppy and I were at Zoe's apartment with my mum and dad.

Zoe was frantically searching the house for everything she needed, but we all soon ordered her to stay calm as she was still heavily pregnant. Zoe had gathered Poppy, Tanya and I to show us our dresses and I was really excited. Zoe always picked really nice clothes so I had faith in her to pick gorgeous dresses. We all gasped once we laid our eyes on them while Zoe simply laughed at our reactions.

The dresses were simple yet elegant, with lace detail on the corset followed by a little bow

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The dresses were simple yet elegant, with lace detail on the corset followed by a little bow. They flowed out towards the end giving off a classy vibe, Tanya's dress fell to the floor unlike Poppy and I since she was Zoe's maid of honour. The hairdresser had finished Zoe's hair which had been pinned up in an elegant up do.

We all got dressed and slipped on simple white high heels, after getting our hair and makeup done it was almost time to go

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We all got dressed and slipped on simple white high heels, after getting our hair and makeup done it was almost time to go. Mum had left to go to the hotel to be there on time and make sure everything was okay after we had taken pictures which I'm sure were to be followed by more after the ceremony. I could feel the happiness radiating off Zoe, she looked incredible. I handed her the bouquet of red roses while I had a bouquet of white roses.

"You ready Zo?" I asked with a bright smile.

Zoe practically squealed with excitement before taking dad's arm to help her out to the car which was waiting for her. We left first while Zoe and dad waited a few minutes later so they could fill the whole bride being late tradition. Once we arrived at the hotel, there were still guests heading into the ceremony room while we waited outside. I spotted Lydia in a beautiful teal coloured dress heading into the room, I stopped her quickly to have a chat.

"Hey, you look great. Jack told me he patched things up." I stated.

"Aww thank you, you look stunning too Jessica. Yeah we talked and we're okay now." Lydia replied before slipping into the room.

A/N I will be slipping to Jack's P.O.V now, but this is before Zoe's wedding this is when Jack goes to talk to Lydia.

I rubbed my sweaty hands against my jeans as I waited for the door to open. I was nervous to say the least, I hadn't spoken to Lydia since she kissed me back in Brighton. I had felt an immense hatred towards her for almost ruining what I have with Jessica, but I realised that if Jessica can forgive her so can I. We all do wrong in the world, but I guess we just have to learn from those mistakes and forgive and forget. I looked as I heard the door click open, Lydia sent me a small smile not really expecting me to be here.

"Jack, come in." Lydia spoke and I walked past her as she held the door.

I followed her into the living room as there was silence. She sat on the couch and I sat across from her.

"I came here because I want to make amends, I think we both know that what happened back in Brighton was a mistake, it was a mistake that nearly ruined my whole life." I started and Lydia nodded in reply.

"I want you to know that I regret what I did, I know it was wrong but something came over me. I'm really sorry for hurting you and Jessica, I realise how selfish I was; I guess I just wanted my friend back." Lydia responded.

I ran my hand through my hair, this was difficult but Lydia had been one of my best friends growing up and I knew I couldn't throw that away.

"I forgive you and Jessica does too, I know you did wrong but I know you Lydia you're same girl I grew up with and I want to be friends with that girl again." I said and Lydia smiled.

"Thank you Jack, I'd like to be friends again too." Lydia said, I could tell she still felt a bit awkward though.

My phone buzzed with a text from Joe, he needed help with something for his channel.

"I need to help Joe right now, but Jessica wanted me to invite you to her sister's wedding. I'll catch up with you then." I told her as I stood up to leave, she thanked me again and sent me a smile.

I'm glad we were friends again, it was strange at first as I thought I could never forgive her but I knew that I had to.

A/N Back to Jessica's P.O.V & Zoe's wedding!!

The music had started to play and Poppy and I followed behind Tanya carrying our bouquets. Everyone stood smiling awaiting Zoe's appearance, I spotted the boys all sitting in row of chairs apart from Joe as he was stood beside Alfie at the top of the room. I caught Jack's eye and he was smiling sweetly at me, he sent me a wink before I passed his row to stand across from Alfie, Joe and Marcus.

There were a few whistles and claps as Zoe entered the room accompanied by our dad, her smile lit up the room and I saw staring at Alfie. Her eyes were watering slightly but she brushed it off as she came to stop at the top, dad shook Alfie's hand before sitting down and Alfie kissed Zoe's cheek whispering in her ear.
The ceremony was beautiful apart from Joe and Marcus pretending they had forgotten the rings and moment of panic surging around the room. I glared at Joe slightly as he caught my eye finally giving up his charade and nudging Marcus to give them the rings.

As the after party was in full swing and the speeches had been made we danced the night away. Jack had taken me to the dance floor and at first I didn't believe he could dance, but he told me he had been trying to sharpen up on his moves for our big day.

I sat with Lexa and Ella at a table chatting with them, it had been an amazing day. Jack and Lydia were chatting away, Lydia had mentioned how her date was late so I urged Jack to offer her a dance. Ella wore a red lace dress which looked stunning and she her brown hair fall in waves down her back while Lexa wore a midnight blue dress and her hair was in a high ponytail which had been curled. Caspar and Joe came over to ask the girls to dance with goofy grins on their faces while Jack sat down beside me.

"Where's Lydia?" I questioned.

"She went to the bathroom, she said she'll be back in a few minutes." Jack clarified and I nodded.

"I hope our day is as amazing as this," I murmured, Jack looked at me and put his hand over mine.

"Our day is going to be even better than this, you know why?" Jack asked and I couldn't help but smile.

"Because we're going to marry each other and grow old together because I love you Jessica Sugg." Jack beamed and kissed my lips.

"I love you too, dork." I replied and kissed him back.

"Really, dork? You really do have an obsession with calling me that." Jack pointed out once we pulled apart.

"Well you are a dork, but you're my dork." I teased him, but my smile soon feel as I saw who was pulling Lydia out the door of the room.

"Jess what's wrong?" Jack questioned as he squeezed my hand.

"Look," I pointed and Jack followed my gaze to see Alex pulling Lydia forcefully out the door.

Author's note;

Well did you guys expect that?? I'm really upset to say that there will only be one more chapter this....

But don't worry I will reveal all at the end of the next chapter because I have a few tricks up my sleeve. *cue the evil laugh*

Anyway hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I felt it was really cute chapter and I enjoyed writing it!!

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Peace out my friends, until final chapter falls upon us...


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