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I hugged Jack goodbye as he left to go to Portugal.

"I love you" Jack whispered in my ear.

"I love you too, now go your flight is boarding" I urged him, he gave me a quick kiss before going through the departures terminal.

I walked to the car park and got in my car, I drove back home and grabbed my bags to meet Joe at the train station. We were taking the train to meet Zoe and my mum and then we were going to stay with my dad. After a long train journey we finally arrived at the station to see Zoe's mini. It was packed to the brim with my mum and Zoe's shopping, I looked at Joe and he smirked.

"You're smaller, hop in first" Joe teased, I got in the back and managed to sit in the middle with a pile of shopping over me.

Joe sat beside me, but he had to pull his legs to his chest to sit in the car. I was practically buried under shopping, Joe began to vlog and he looked around confusedly.

"Where is Jess gone?" He joked as he looked around.

"I'm here" I croaked, I poked my head out through the shopping as Joe pointed the camera towards me.

We dropped my mum back to her car, I gave her a birthday present that I'd gotten for her. I hugged and we all helped her haul her shopping to her car. Then finally we were on the road to dad's house, we arrived and put our stuff away in our old rooms.
I walked into Joe's room to see him looking out the window.

"What are you looking at?" I questioned.

"Remember when we used play in that field or when we used to climb those trees" Joe reminisced.

I nodded fondly I remembered when I fell out of the tree and broke my arm or when we were crawling through the field and my elbow landed in cow poo. We got Zoe and went outside, Joe was vlogging and telling all his viewers about our childhood. Zoe, Joe and I burst out laughing when dad came out with the most worn out pair of trainers I'd ever seen.

"Dad what the hell is on your feet?" Joe asked, he shrugged in response.

The two soles were falling off the trainers. I shook my head with a laugh, then Joe gave the camera to dad as Zoe, Joe and I climbed up the tree. I only hoped I wouldn't fall and break my arm again, Zoe only made it up the first two branches before getting down while Joe and I went to the top. After going back inside, we went to my nan's house. We were sorting through our old things and deciding what to do with them.
Joe used my nan's stair lift to get upstairs.

"If you break that, you're fixing it or getting nan a new one" I scolded, Joe was always finding someway to mess around.

Joe had found his fossil collection which he was obsessed with, I found old pictures of Joe and I. I smiled when I pulled out an old t-shirt.

"Zoe do you remember this?" I asked, for my tenth birthday Zoe had made me a t-shirt and Joe a hoodie.

"Oh yeah" she said taking the material from my hands.

After sorting through everything, Joe called a few of his friends to ask them if they fancied meeting up and touring around the village again. Then we went back to my dad's, I went to my room and FaceTimed Jack. I smiled brightly when I saw his face had popped up on the screen, I waved frantically. I already missed him so much even though he's only been gone a few hours.

"Hey" I started, I noticed Jack was walking somewhere.

"Sorry about that I wanted to talk in private, how are you baby?" Jack questioned, my heart swooned at the nickname.

"Good I'm at my dad's house with Joe and Zoe, but I still miss you" I told him, he smirked.

"I miss you too, Anna and I are going to this like assault course at the beach tomorrow" Jack revealed, Anna. I hadn't spoken to her since the last time I was in Brighton with Jack.

"Cool, how is Anna?" I asked, Jack ran a hand through his hair as he always does.

"Great, she got a little sunburnt though" Jack admitted.

"Tell her I said hi, some of Joe's old friends are taking us around the village tomorrow and we get to see the school and where we used to hang out as kids" I ranted, I really missed my village I hadn't been there in ages.

"Jack what are doing?" A voice spoke, I laughed as Helen poked her head in through the door.

"Hi Helen!" I shouted so she'd hear me, she looked towards Jack's phone and waved crazily.

"Jessica! How are you? I hope Jack apologised to you and that he's not giving you trouble" Helen said while giving Jack a smack on the head.

"I'm good and yes Jack apologised and he's not giving me any trouble, so far.." I trailed off.

"Hey!" Jack whined, I laughed as Helen hit his head again.

"Stop whining and don't interrupt Jessica! That is so rude" Helen scolded.

"But mum-" Jack began.

"Stop being a baby Jack, listen it was lovely talking to you Jessica. I'll talk to you later" she said, I waved and she exited the room.

"I really do dislike that woman sometimes" Jack grumbled.

"Hey! I like Helen" I shot back.

"Funny, anyway I'm really tired and jet lagged. I call you tomorrow baby, I love you" Jack said, I was sad he was going. But at least he's going to call tomorrow.

"Okay, bye Jack. I love you too" I replied.

"Be safe" Jack added.

"You too" I ended.

I wouldn't see Jack for three days because he was staying with his parents for a day when he comes back from Portugal. I texted Ella to make sure her and Caspar were okay, it turns out that Caspar introduced Ella to his mum. They all went for lunch and it turned out well, I really like Caspar and Ella together they're cute.

Jack (the first time ever😝)

After ending my call with Jess, I went downstairs to the living room in our villa. Anna was lounged across the couch, I moved her legs and sat down.

"Jessica said hi" I told her.

"How is she?" Anna asked.

"Good she's staying with her dad, Zoe and Joe in Wiltshire" I said.

We chatted about the assault course we were going on tomorrow, Anna said it was huge and it had slides and trampolines. I was waiting for my special announcement video to upload before going to bed. I was so excited to start my vlogging channel, I had already filmed a vlog but didn't upload it yet.

When it finally uploaded, I went to bed. Not before I received a text from Jessica, I smiled as I read it.

Night. Love you lots xxx

I quickly typed back a reply, Jessica was too good for me. I fell asleep with a grin on my face.


I'm so sorry I didn't get a chapter up sooner, it's just I've had school and I didn't have a lot of time to update so basically I've worked on this all week. I should be able to get another update before the weekend finishes, but I'm not sure after that.

Also I decided to do a little bit of Jack's P.O.V, let me know what you guys thought and if you'd like his P.O.V more?

Thank you for all your votes, comments and to all you people who've added my book to your reading list!!!

Please keep doing what you're doing and peace out!

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