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I watched amusedly as Joe stumbled into the living room before flopping down onto the couch.

"I'm so tired," Joe groaned.

"Well go back to sleep then." I responded, he threw a cushion at me with a grunt.

"Can't I have to go meet Caspar at BBC for meeting." he revealed, I nodded and went to change.

I said goodbye to Joe leaving him to go see Caspar while I went to Jack's apartment. I pressed the buzzer on the door waiting to be let inside, I heard laughter from above. I looked up to see Mikey and Jack.

"Let me in you idiots." I said, I think they were drunk.

It was ten o' clock in the morning, just great.

"Not until you say sorry!" Jack shouted down.

"You'll be the sorry one if you don't let me inside out of the cold." I warned, he laughed and disappeared inside.

Once I had successfully climbed the stairs, I could hear the laughter when I entered the hallway. I quickly walked over to the door and pushed it open without knocking. The first thing that came to my view was a twisted mat, some costumes of some sort and red, paper cups.

"Jack?" I called warily.

Next thing I know I've been tackled to the ground and someone is on top of me.

"What the hell?" I grumbled, Jack was on top of me laughing hysterically.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I pushed him off.

"Mikey and I had a party," he spoke mischievously.

"I can't see that." I replied while dusting off my jeans.

"Where is Mikey, I don't see him." I said looking around.

"He fell asleep in Conor's bed." Jack slurred.

"Come on you're going to bed." I ordered while grabbing his hand.

"Why? Is it bedtime?" He questioned, I swore he was worse than a five year old.

"Yeah, something like that.." I trailed off.

I pulled him into his room, I pointed towards the bed and he slipped his sweatpants off along with his shirt before hopping into bed.

"Will you tuck me in?" He asked and I rolled my eyes before pulling the blankets over him.

Thankfully, I finally managed to get him to sleep. I quickly checked on Mikey and he was out cold. All I had to do now was wait, I sat on the couch and texted Ella.

Me: come around Jack's apartment, Mikey and him went a bit crazy...

Ella: oh god.. Be there soon x

Thank god for Ella, she came and helped me clear the mess the boys had made. I found Jack's pink hoodie on the balcony and slipped it in because I was freezing.

"How did two people make that much of a mess?" Ella questioned while holding an umbrella which had a hole.

"I honestly don't know." I admitted.


A few hours later while Ella and I were watching Friends Jack appeared in the doorway.

"What happened?" He muttered while running his head.

"My guess you and Mikey had a little party," I said as he sat down beside me, he was wearing a shirt and sweatpants again.

"Oh crap, we were filming a twister video and got bored after." Jack said, wincing immediately after.

He laid his head in my lap and I rubbed his head gently, I reached forward to the coffee table to grab the pills and water I had left out.

"Here, take these." I told him as he sat up gently.

"Thank you." He replied with a small smile.

Ella had gotten a text from Caspar asking to meet for dinner so of course I told her to go. There was still no sign of Mikey by evening and Jack was lying on the sofa with me.

"I better go check on Mikey," I said getting up and heading down the hallway.

I peered in through the gap in the door to see he wasn't in the bed and then I heard grunting noises. I did not want to see a barfing incident so I'll let Jack deal with that.

"Jack!" I called, he came down the hall and I pointed to the bedroom.

"He's getting sick in the bathroom, have fun. I have to go I'll see you later." I finished before pressing a kiss to his lips.

"What? You can't just leave me with him." He said shocked.

"Your mess," I smirked as I opened the door and left.


"Hey guys! I know it's been awhile since I last did a video, but a lot has been happening so I decided to do a vlog" I looked into the camera as I spoke, I was walking through the park with Joe as we were heading for food.

"I'm with my dear brother Joseph of course," I pointed the camera at Joe and he did a weird pose.

I snorted while laughing as Joe tried to get me to play Pokemon go, Joe ended up fighting with a little kid as they both tried to catch the same Pokemon. It was quite the sight, I ended my vlog as we finally made it to the restaurant.

"So guys that's all from me today, hope you enjoyed! Please like, comment and subscribe!" I finished.

Joe and I spoke about the little party I ended up having to clean up and I told him how I left Jack to deal with Mikey as a punishment.

We decided we would go to Brighton to see Zoe and Alfie and to see how they were doing. We were catching the train in the morning early and the thought was already killing me.



There will hopefully be a lot more updates because I'm finished school soon, so I should be updating around Christmas and the week after as well.

Hope you guys this chapter, sorry if you found it short. I'm not really sure what length people like the chapter to be these days.

So please vote, comment and let me know any suggestions or ideas you have!

Peace out.

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