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Jack grabbed my hand as we walked to the park, we had gotten back from Brighton a few days ago. We were just going to chill in the grass or something. Jack stopped on the footpath and I looked at him in confusion, he pulled out his phone and pulled me towards him. He snapped a picture of us holding hands and put it on his snapchat story.

 He snapped a picture of us holding hands and put it on his snapchat story

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It was really cute, once we entered the park we found a nice place to sit.
There were little kids playing with a ball, some teenagers playing with a frisbee, while others just strolled through the park.

"Joe told me that Caspar and him will be leaving to film hit the road USA" I said, I wondered if they told him.
"Yeah they told me" Jack replied, his thumb stroked my hand.
"So how is the wonderful experience of living with Josh and Conor?" I asked, I can't imagine living with Josh, he was completely crazy.
"They're a right laugh and I love them of course, but they can be messy as well" Jack admitted, he smiled as if he was thinking of something.
"You have a nice smile" I complimented, his cheeks turned slightly pinkish.
"Not as beautiful as you" he replied pulling me into his chest.

After returning from the park, I agreed to go with Jack back to his apartment. He said he was filming a video with Mikey and Conor, they had to put these things in their mouth that held them open and they had to try and eat or drink all these different things. Jack set out three apples, six cups of water, yoghurt and some crackers, this looked like it was going to be entertaining. Mikey arrived soon after and Jack was setting up the lights and camera,

I took a seat on the chair while they prepared to start the video, they all placed the really strange mouth pieces in their mouths after Jack explained what was going to happen in the video. It hilarious when they tried to speak, but also gross when they drooled, at one point Mikey's mouth piece just kept flying out of his mouth. I burst out laughing and Mikey tried putting it back in, they tried eating the apple and crackers, they went everywhere along with water. Mikey's mouth piece flew out of his mouth, but this it came in my direction. It hit my leg and I yelped, it was disgusting, it was covered in food and saliva.

"Jessica I'm so sorry" Mikey said rushing over to me to pick up the mouth piece.
"It's okay" I reassured, I started laughing as Mikey ran back to the table.
"And on that note we end today's video" Jack clarified, the boys all laughed and waved bye.

We all went onto the balcony, Conor grabbed a few beers. Josh arrived shortly after and joined us, we all became drunk. We started calling random people, it was really funny because Jack kept putting on different accents and Conor kept making the weirdest sounds ever.
After spending nearly half the night on the balcony, Jack took me to his room where we both fell asleep.

The next morning I groaned, someone was stamping around the room like the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk. I grabbed a pillow throwing it in the direction of the noise.

"Ow!" The voice said walking over to me, they shook me slightly.
"Stop making an earthquake, you giant" I whined.
"I wouldn't exactly call myself a giant, but okay then" the voice muttered to himself.

I opened my eyes to see Jack's bright eyes staring back at me, he was dressed and cleaning the room. He handed me a glass of water and two pills.

"How's your head?" He questioned.
"Killer" I replied stuffing the pills in my mouth and downing the water.

I bid my goodbye to Jack and headed back to my apartment, Ella was sitting on the couch watching Friends. I grabbed a tub of ice cream and sat beside her, she smiled at me as we watched Joey's eyes widen once he found out that Ross was the father of Rachel's baby.

"Something came for you in the post, it's in your room" Ella told me, I thanked and went to my room to check what it was.

On my bed was a brown package, I ripped it open after untying the string around it. It was a present from Vidcon, there was a short note with a teddy bear in the box.

Hi Jessica,
You were such a pleasure to have at Vidcon last year, so we would like to invite you again this year, it takes place in LA from the 24th of July - 26th of July! We hope you can make it!
Kind regards

I loved Vidcon, I got to meet my wonderful fans and other youtubers, the 24th of July wasn't for another three weeks, but I was already so excited. I texted Zoe, Joe and all the boys telling them I got the invite, they all replied saying they were going too, except Zoe she said she wanted to take a break this year from Vidcon. I walked back into the living room and told Ella all about it, of course I invited her to come with us even though she wasn't a youtuber.
I filmed a very quick video, I told all my viewers that'd I would be going to Vidcon just invade they wanted to come and meet me. I didn't really bother editing it so I just uploaded it so my viewers knew in time.
I received tons of comments saying that my viewers couldn't wait to meet me or that they were booking their plane tickets straight away.

I emailed Vidcon back to confirm I was going, Joe texted me that he was booking flights for all of us. I continued watching some Friends with Ella for the rest of the night while we discussed relationships, celebs, Vidcon and outfits. After going through a whole season of Friends we both ended up dozing off with a blanket wrapped around us.

Hey guys, I wanted to update today because I'm not sure if I can tomorrow :(
Anyway it's the TENTH CHAPTER!!
I want to thank all you guys for your support and your views, votes and comments.
I honestly can't thank you guys enough, I'm really enjoying writing this book and I might even start another fanfic with a different youtuber?!?
Let me know what you think..
It's nearly midnight and for some reason I'm really hyper!!
Thanks for all the love!
Love you guys:)
Until our next update;)

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