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I brushed my teeth as I looked in the mirror, my bed head was crazy. I was wearing my grey running leggings and a hoodie, today I was going to film a video with Anna.

Once I finished with my teeth, I brushed my hair out and made sure to get all the knots out. I Dutch braided my hair into two braids, I went downstairs to breakfast to see Gary, Anna, Jack, Conor and Helen sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Morning Jessica, help yourself to whatever you like" Helen said.

"Thank you and sorry for taking so long to come down" I apologised, I sat beside Jack and grabbed one of the toasted bagels.

I hit Jack's leg in warning for not waking me up, he let out a yelp, but quickly covered it with a cough.

"Are you okay Jack?" Gary asked with confusion.

"Yeah, I'm just going to drink some water" Jack told him.

I smiled satisfied to myself while Jack picked up the glass of water.

After breakfast I was setting up my tripod in Anna's room along with the camera and mic. We decided we would play this game where we had to read tongue twisters really fast.
I had seen Anna do this with Jack, I found it hilarious.

"What video are we doing here?" Jack asked as plopped down on the bed behind us.

"Tongue twisters, you can be the judge" I told him.

I pressed record on the camera and I started with my intro.

"Hey guys, it's Jessica which you probably already know.." I trailed off.

"But today I am joined with the gorgeous Anna Maynard" I said pointing to Anna, she did a pose and laughed.

"I'm here too" Jack said popping his head in between us.

"Yes we are joined by Jack as well" I said with a sad face.

"I'm offended" Jack blurted, I laughed at him.

"Too bad" I replied.

I explained what we were going to do and how Jack was the judge. Anna went first saying this really long tongue twister with loads of 'T's' in it. When it was my turn I got an easy enough one, but Jack awarded the point to Anna because hers was harder.

I pouted and Jack told me to stop a sore loser, I poked my tongue out at him while said our next tongue twister. Surprisingly, I actually won the second round. After after drawing two rounds resulting in a half a point each, we reached the sudden death round.

I got the longest one ever, I thought it was never going to end and it was impossible to say. Anna said hers quite well and then I knew I had lost.

"The Maynard wins! Maynards rule!" Jack cheered while he shook Anna's shoulders.

"Well guys that's it for today's video and as you can see I can't say tongue twisters, please like, subscribe to me and Jack, he's desperate and leave a comment. I love you guys and bye!" I ended the video.

Jack pouted at me for saying he was desperate, I laughed and kissed him. When I pulled away he was smiling, Anna looked at us making gagging noises.

"If you guys are going to do that, could you please not do it in my room" Anna spoke, humour filled her voice.

"Sorry" I apologised before Jack pulled me out the door.

He held my hand and pulled me out the front door. I frowned, he pulled me towards his Range Rover.

"Where are we going?" I questioned, he started the car and smiled at me.

"For a walk on the beach" he told me, I nodded and grabbed my sunglasses sitting them over my eyes.

We parked at Brighton pier and we walked down towards the sand. We were walking hand in hand, Jack's thumb ran over my hand.

A blonde haired woman was waking her dog on the beach, Jack stopped walking and I looked at him confused.

"Lydia?" He questioned, I watched as he greeted the woman.

"Jack!" She beamed as she hugged him back tightly, I have to admit I was slightly jealous.

The woman looked towards me with a smile, but I could tell it was fake. It was as if she disliked me, Jack pulled away and turned to me.

"Jess, this is my friend Lydia, we went to school together" Jack told me.

"Lydia, this is my girlfriend Jessica" Jack introduced.

I shook her hand and she gave me pearly white smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. I stood to the side awkwardly as they spoke, I was a little annoyed at how she kept throwing her head back in laughter and putting her hand on his chest.

I stared at the sand, I heard her flirting with him. My stomach dropped as I heard Jack laughing with her. My head was throbbing, Jack said goodbye to her and he must have noticed my quietness.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked, his hand took mine.

"Em.. Do you mind if we go home? I'm not feeling that great and I have a headache" I said, I honestly felt sick.

"Okay, let's get you home" Jack said, I could sense his concern.

We got into the car and drive home was silent, we entered the house and I rushed upstairs. My stomach was churning, I felt a pain in my chest. My head was pounding as I stumbled into Jack's room.
I got into the bed wrapping the duvet around myself, I could hear voices in the hall.

"Jack leave her be for awhile she'll come down when she's ready, she's not feeling well" it was Helen, they were speaking in hushed voices.

I had anxiety attack ever since the incident, but Zoe and Joe helped me deal with them and I refused to have one now. I settled for some sleep instead, which I had found easily.

I could feel someone's hand running over my forehead, I slowly cracked my eyes open to see Jack smiling down at me.

"Hey, you feeling better" he murmured gently.

"I think so, what time is it?" I questioned.

"It's around ten, I brought you some water and paracetamol" Jack said, I sat up and he handed me the tablet and water.

"Thank you" I said swallowing the tablet and taking a sip of water.

"I'm going to bed now anyway" Jack said, he slipped his shirt over his head and took off his jeans.

He climbed into bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me, he pulled me closer to his chest.

"Night beautiful, feel better soon" Jack whispered, he placed a kiss on my forehead.

Hey guys! Sorry this is a short chapter, but what do you guys think of Lydia?
And poor Jessica:(

Hope you enjoyed and please vote, comment and keep being awesome!

Love you all, peace out

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