Glossary/Pronunciation Guide

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A/N: This is a work in progress

Glossary & Pronunciation

Note: Most faery speak English with the exception of their own words which have a strong Latin influence. Other races also speak this (besides troll) when in major cities. It is only within their own communities that they converse entirely in their own language. Faery and Elf magic is all cast with the Anthuans language however. Dragons speak in Anthuan.




neirr faesa raia ail irruis haesd [ner fesa rya al i-ru-is ha-sed] may peace lie in your heart

Mirr Lusn [mere lu-sen] My Lord



vorr dok xr'tdaer [vore dock shrader] well met kinsman

aerb ka vai [erb kah vy] and to you

aeuo vai tiuo lo 't ae gaeouv [ah-u-o vy lo-te ai ga-oov] Are you sure he is a faery?

Vot [vot (like cot but with a ‘v’)] yes

I tlaerr do ar dv vaev [eye tler doe ar de-veuv] I shall be on my way





ftung hun [foong hoon] bind him

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