Part 28

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Taking one last deep breath I knocked at his door. After some hours of crying and sobbing I realized what I really wanted. Maybe it was another mistake I was making, but I did what my heart told me. I took another deep breath and was about to turn around and run to my room, when Wilmer opened the door. He immediately smiled to me, as if he knew my answer. He let me inside and we both went to sit on his huge bed. I didn’t remember the last time I was here, it probably was the time when I had broken my leg.

Wilmer looked at me, waiting for the answer. Maybe I needed to change my mind and run away? It was an option. But then I looked at his face again and saw his cute little smile. I couldn’t help but smiled back. The only person who could make me happy was Wilmer and I needed to understand that. He was my happiness.

“I’m…” I started, looking down at my hands, “I’m staying with you” I whispered and Wilmer immediately wrapped his hands around me. He pressed me to his chest like he used to do when I didn’t feel good. I started crying silently. “Please, don’t hurt me” I whispered and let a loud sob out, collapsing in his arms.

“Shh” He whispered back and stroked my back up and down, trying to calm me. I was tired of crying, I was tired of pain. But the most scaring thing was getting hurt again. I couldn’t make it again. I wouldn’t survive this time, I was sure. “It’s going to be okay” Wilmer said, when my sobs were quieter. He kept stroking my back, till I completely calmed down.

“I’m afraid” I stated. If we were starting everything again, it was a good thing, if I wanted to be honest. I couldn’t simply forget how long I had been crying, I even started drinking meds to stop me from feeling so bad. And once again I went into the same pit.

“Don’t be afraid, okay?” Wilmer whispered, kissing my hair. His hands were wrapped around me in that protective way which he held me in the hospital’s bed. I have to admit it felt really well like nothing had happened between us, but it happened, and I was hurt more than someone could imagine. “Come here” He made me sat in the middle of the bed and he sat beside me. I rested my head and hand on his chest, trying to enjoy the moment.

I closed my eyes as his hands stroked my back. I let a few tears ran down my cheeks, I just couldn’t help it. “It’s okay” Wilmer said when he felt my tears wetting his t-shirt.

“Do you love me like before?” Suddenly I asked, looking up at his beautiful face. He nodded his head and kissed my forehead.

“I love you more, Demi” He said, wrapping his hands tighter around me.

We laid there for a few hours not talking. We both thought something and bothered us for so long. Wilmer suggested to eat and I agreed so we went to the kitchen and Wilmer tried to make a sandwich for me. He promised that when he will leave together he will always make me breakfast in bed but how the hell he was to doing it when he had no idea how to make a sandwich. We both were lost in cooking.

“So, how long I have to wait?” I whined and giggled as Wilmer groaned.

The heard how the door opened and someone rushed inside. Suddenly we saw Wilmer’s mom, standing at the doorway, with a huge smile on her face.

“Wilmer, what are you doing here? You said you won’t come here this year, but you are” She said, wrapping her hands around my baby. I watched as he wrapped his hands too, and sighed.

“I had to make some things here but I’m leaving tomorrow” As these words left his mouth I wanted to cry. Why he should leave? Why I couldn’t do with him? Why I felt like shit? Why everything was that bad?

Wilmer’s mom pulled away from him and looked at him confused. “But you just came”

“I promise I will come one week before Christmas, and we will be able to spend some time together but for now, I really have to work.” He stated, looking at his mother but then his eyes traveled to me and he gave me a smile. “I was trying to make a sandwich for step-sister but I messed up” He laughed and I giggled too.

“Oh, I will finish that.” His mom said and started making a sandwich. Wilmer sat on the chair beside me and we smiled to each other. “I’m really happy that you guys are friends.” She said and we smiled even wider. If she would know about us she wouldn’t be happy at all, but we needed to wait just nine months and then I didn’t need to come back here but I was sure I will leave this house earlier because Wilmer and me had plans for summer, plus I was going to X Factor audition.


“Dem?” Wilmer opened the door and crept into the room. I came out of the bathroom and looked at Wilmer, who was laying under the covers in my bed. I smiled and sat on the edge of the bed looking at him. He lifted the covers and I happily laid there, beside him. He wrapped his hands around me from behind, pressing our bodies to each other.

“I missed these things” I whispered and closed my eyes enjoying Wilmer’s kisses on my neck. It felt so good to be with him again but the fear was still there. No matter how hard I fought with myself just to push it away, I couldn’t. I was too afraid. “When are you leaving?”

“Tomorrow in the morning” He said and sighed. “I wish I could spend more time here, but I can’t. I have work but I promise I will come here around Christmas and we will be able to spend much time together. You will get tired of me.”

“I will never get tired of you.” I said, turning to face him. I gave a small kiss to his lips and pulled away, staring at his beautiful eyes, “Just don’t do anything stupid, okay? I don’t want to go through that again.” I sighed and Wilmer nodded his head. With every minute I was more and surer that we will spend the rest of our life together if we will stay together since I will turn 18.

“I will miss you”

“I will miss you more.”

“I’m tired…” I whispered and closed my eyes. Wilmer wrapped his hands tighter around me and kissed on top of my head.

“Then sleep, baby. I’ll be here in the morning, when you will wake up, I promise.”

We went through so much, but at the end of the day I understand that I love him more than my life.

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