Part 14

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I heard somebody talking but I just covered my head with a blanket and closed my eyes tighter. I didn’t want to wake up. I wanted to sleep all day long because tonight Wilmer will come again I will be sleepily. That’s unfair.

“Happy Birthday to you” I heard it again and opened my eyes. Slowly I pulled blanket away from my face and gasped because in front of me were standing Wilmer, his mom and his dad. Wilmer’s mom had a cake in her arms, while Wilmer had a balloon. “Happy Birthday, dear Demi, happy birthday to you.” They finished their little song and went to hug me. I could feel tears in my eyes because it was the cutest thing. In fact, I hadn’t celebrated my birthday for ages.

“Happy Birthday, princess” Wilmer’s mom hugged me and pecked my cheek. The same did Wilmer’s dad, and then Wilmer came closer. He wrapped his hands around me so tightly, I could barely breathe, and kissed me cheek too, sending thrill through my body.

“Oh my God, thank you so much” I said as tears started to run my cheeks. I was so happy, I couldn’t describe it in words. I was seventeen years old today but it was my ninth birthday which I celebrated. Children house doesn’t have enough money to do a birthday party to every single kid. 

Wilmer’s mom sat in front of me, and showed me a cake. There was written “Happy Birthday, Demi”. Once again I felt tears in my eyes again but this time I wiped them away and looked to Wilmer, who handed me a balloon.

“This is our present.” Wilmer’s mom said and handed me a small box wrapped in a beautiful pink paper. I immediately unwrapped the box, like a little kid in Christmas morning, and saw iPhone. I smiled like an idiot and thanked. Somehow my life turned around and it felt so good and honestly, I didn’t care about presents, I care about love and their little song was the best thing in the whole planet.

“Okay, now my present.” Wilmer said and gave me an envelope. I opened it too and saw there a ticket. I looked at it surprised and then at Wilmer. What the hell was he thinking when he bought tickets to California?

“No” I shook my head but Wilmer just grinned.

“Yes.” Wilmer nodded. “You have five hours to pack, our plane to California leaves at 5 pm.” He said, looking at his watch. Wilmer’s mom turned to him, I could see how confused her face was.

“I won’t let her go with you.” She shook her head.

“Mom, it’s a present. One week and we will be back.” Wilmer wrapped his hands around his mom and kissed her cheek. “I will give her back healthy and alive. No nonsense.” He said to his mom and looked at me, “Your packing time is running out.”

I jumped out of the bed, not caring about my messy nightdress, which probably didn’t cover my butt, and hugged Wilmer. He didn’t hug me back; he probably was too surprised because I hugged him at the same room with his parents.

“Thank you thank you thank you.” I repeated and he laughed.

“You won’t have time to pack, Demi.” He said and I nodded my head smiling. The whole week with Wilmer, we could kiss as much as we want, do whatever we want to. Oh my God, I could break down right there because I was so freaking happy.

“I will help you.” Wilmer opened my closet and pulled out  the suitcase.

“Okay, you guys pack and I will make something to eat before your leave.” Wilmer’s mom said, and her voice wasn’t happy at all. As soon as his parents left the room  I ran to Wilmer and hugged him tightly.

“I love you so much, baby. We will have the whole week together.” I squealed happily and wanted to talk again but Wilmer shut me up with the kiss. We could kiss all day but our time was running out. I pulled away and smiled to him.

“We need to pack.” I said, grabbing my clothes dropped it in the suitcase.  Wilmer grabbed me by my hand and didn’t let me go. I smiled to him and he smiled back.

“You know, you better go and dress because we won’t leave this room today. Your little dress doesn’t even cover your small butt.” Wilmer said as his hand squeezed my butt gently.

“Oh, you can’t control yourself?” I smirked to him and kissed his lips “When yesterday you were laying in my bed that dress didn’t bother you at all.” I giggled at grabbed jeans and t-shirt from the bed.

“It was dark.” He shouted when I closed the bathroom room behind me.


“Sit here” Wilmer said as we entered the plane. I sat down and he sat beside me, giving me his hand. Holding his hand in the plane felt really good, plus I was afraid of flying.

As soon as the plane raised Wilmer let go of my hand and made me sit on his laps. He wrapped his hands tightly around my waist and left a little peck on my neck.

“It’s going to be the best week in my life.” I said, looking at Wilmer. He nodded his head and kissed my lips. I kissed him back, with passion. It probably was the first time when I was in control because I had been uncomfortable with kissing and showing my emotions. It was my first true relationship and at first I didn’t feel comfortable but step by step I felt better and better, and probably came over myself. I showed him what I felt.

“Wow” Wilmer said when we pulled away. “You turned seventeen and your kiss became better. I like it.” He said, laughing. I hit his chest playfully and then rested my head on his shoulder.

“I didn’t feel comfortable at first but now I feel because I know that you really love me.” I said when Wilmer’s hands around me tightened.

“I really love you, never forget that.” He said, lifting my chin with his finger and made me look at him. “I will do everything to make you happy and you will never forget this week.”

“I love you.” I whispered and closed the gap between our lips.

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