Neva End.

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{ Malenda. }

After leaving MamaAlsina house and going back to Ty's I realized that I needed more clothes to wear. I was running out for the simple fact I didn't pack that many bags. So I was now pulling up to August's house and there was an unfamiliar car there. I was hopping that August didn't have no female up in here. I walked up to the front door after getting out the car, and knocked three times. I waited for a free seconds and August swung the door open.

He looked confused as to why I was here and worried at the same time. Already telling me something was up. "Baby whatchu doing here?"

"I just came to get some more clothes." I started to walk in but August blocked my way and stepped outside. "August what's going on?"

"Look baby now is not a good tim-" August was rudely interrupted by Sasha. She swung open the door eye balling me.

"Gone head and tell her baby." She said while rubbing her stomach. August glared at her.

"How many times do I gotta tell you stop calling me baby and you done came over here and told me what you had to say so leave." August yelled.

Sasha shooed August and turned to me with a mug. "Hoe I'm pregnant." Here we go again. I wasn't about to even deal with this shit. I didn't have time for it. I ignored Sasha and looked at August.

"I'll be over here tomorrow with some movers to get the rest of my things." I sat Michael Kors bag down and then reached underneath my hair removing the necklace August had gave to me last night and handing it him.

I picked my bag up and started walking back to my car with August behind me. He blocked me from getting in. "Come on now I thought we had an agreement?" August looked at me with those puppy dog eyes. You know the ones that say I'm sorry but you still want to resist them.

"Fuck the agreement August. She's pregnant and I can't I won't deal with it." August had me fucked up.

"You said you wouldn't walk out on me just this morning. Now you changing your mind. I've been there for so why can't you be there for me? Huh? " I shook my head.

"You don't get it."

"What the fuck am I suppose to get? The fact that my girlfriend is a liar?"

Don't blame this shit on me. You did this shit August. How would you feel if I said I was pregnant? You'd wanna break up with me too."

August smacked his lips and moved away from the door and opened it. "I'm not gone beg you to stay if you want to leave then go ahead." He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked away. I got in the car throwing my bag in the passenger seat and pulling off.

{ Ty. }

I heard the door slam and Malenda walked in looking like who did it and why. I got up off the couch following her in the guest bedroom.

"Sasha beat yo ass ....... or nah?" I asked.

Malenda gave me a evil glare and sniffed while wiping some of her tears. "It's okay if she did bae. I know other people who done got they ass whooped too a few times you just have to accept it. Life goes on. " I sat down beside her and rubbed her back comforting her.

"Sasha di--didn't whoop my ass. August go--got he- her pregnant." I jumped up fast but kind of slow cause I ain't want to hurt the baby.

"Oh hell nah. Getchu ass up. Let's go." I yelled. Malenda continued wiping her eyes.

"Where we going?"

"To beat that damn baby outta her. Duh! Now get ya ass up."

Malenda started crying harder and it really wasn't a pretty site because her mascara was starting to smear and it was running all down her face. I shrugged. I was going to have to go alone then.

I went upstairs to Cole and I's bedroom careful not to make noise because Cole was sleep and I didn't want him knowing where I was going. I quietly put on my sneakers grabbing my Vaseline and my car keys and I was out.

When I arrived at August house I was hyped and not to mention Sasha's car was here. Yaaaas I was gone whoop a bitch todaaay. I banged on August front door and when the door swung open Sasha appeared. I straight Sharkeisha her ass and she went flying back hitting her head on the carpet. August came running.

"What the fuck? Ty calm down."

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down. Get out the way and Sasha getchu hoe ass up bitch. You boutta get clapped. Talking all that shit ugly ass, sloppy ass, titties sweeping the floor, ass dragging the ground, ole granny ass bitch." I was to hyped. I was tryna run up on ole' girl but August was holding me with one hand and calling somebody with the other.

{ Cole.}

I was sleeping peacefully until my phone started ringing off the hook. I got up snatching my phone up seeing August calling.

"Whatchu want?" I growled.

"Come get Ty crazy ass." Was all I needed to hear before jumping my ass out the bed. Ty was at it again. But I love my crazy ass baby.

Lil short. But enjoy and comment to please don't just vote. I read all the comments and appreciate them dearly.

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