Why You Always So Difficult?

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{Malenda's Pov}

I dropped my bag at the front door and walked down the hall to the living room. Once I reached the couch I plopped down. I was tired and started to drift off into a slumber. But at the back of my mind something was telling me to get up. You know that feeling you get when something is about to go wrong? That's exactly what it was and I didn't pay it any mind. However the next thing I know I was awoken by a loud banging at my door. The first person that popped into my head was August. He was mad at me when I left and maybe he still wanted to talk shit. I got up walking to the door and looking out the peep hole only to see Rich my boss/ terrible abusive ex boyfriend. Your probably wondering why so let me update you. Rich is my ex I got involved with him when I moved down here and he was my first love. But if only I would've knew years ago what I knew today. I would've never got involved with his ass in the first place and or even loaned all that money from him.

"Open this damn door!" He yelled as continuing to bang on it.

"No I'm not opening the door now leave or I'm calling the police." I threatened.

"Call the police I don't give a fuck but as soon as I get in this damn house I'm beating your ass." I gulped down hard. I knew he was capable of doing so, so I quickly opened my bag trying to get my phone out but I couldn't find it. Dammit! This was just great. I got up and started making my way to the laundry room to hide.

After a few moments of hiding I heard Rich break down the door. "Come out bitch! I told you I was gone beat yo ass now you want to play hide & seek."

I tried keeping my composure so I wouldn't give myself away but I was terrified of Rich. I knew all the things he was capable of doing to me and I couldn't help but think I should've stayed with August and none of this would've happened.

I screamed when I heard the gunshot and Rich's footsteps getting closer. What a coincidence that the neighbors were out of town this week. Rich opened the closet that I hid in and snatched me out of it. I was shaking and crying to bad I could hardly talk. It was no use.

"We could've did this the easy way Malenda. Why you always so damn difficult?"

My body heaved up and down from my heavy breathing. I already knew what was going to happen and there was nothing I could do about it.


I solemnly looked around my room as I lay into he same spot Rich left me in last night after he brutally beat me and then raped me. My room was a mess and the rest of the house. I put up a fight and that didn't go so well, not only that there was blood everywhere and I smelled terrible. I wanted so badly to get up and take a shower but I couldn't move. My legs ached of agony.

{Ty's Pov}

I sat in my living room with my finance Cole and August.

"I've called Malenda 8 times today and she hasn't called or texted me back. I think some things wrong."

Cole rubbed my back trying to calm me down. "Then lets go over there." He suggested. We both looked at August and he shook his head.

"Y'all go and I'll head back home." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on August don't be selfish." Cole said. I looked at him giving him pleading eyes and he gave in. We got ready and left getting situated in Cole's car and headed towards Malenda's house.


We all hopped out the car and walked to the door. I could already sense something was wrong just by the way the door looked. It was open and looked like someone had broke-in. Cole stepped in and August and I were right behind him.

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