Just My Luck.

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{Malenda's Pov}

The light was shining brightly from the window and there's nothing I hated more than light waking me up from my beauty sleep. I turned over looking over at August as he slept peacefully. He looked .... sexy. I slowly moved August's hand from around my waist trying to slowly ease out of the bed but once I put my leg out I slipped over something and fell with a loud thud. I flipped my hair out of my face and looked up. August was still sleeping. I picked myself up off the floor and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. When I was done doing that I came out of the bathroom and picked up August's shirt that I saw laying on the floor and put it over me. Then I trotted downstairs and began making breakfast.


I sat the plate down on the table just in time to see August entering the dining room. "Good Morning." I looked down careful not to make eye contact with him. I wasn't ashamed or anything but I was shy when it came to situations like this. It always gave me a weird type of vibe.

"Good Morning." I replied back to August. He walked over to me kissing my cheek and then sat down in the chair right next to me and pretty much pushed me down in his lap. Then started eating his food. Something was wrong with him. He held his fork up to my mouth. "Open up." He demanded, I shook my head. He laughed. "Might I remind you you were swapping spit with me last night don't act brand new."

I opened my mouth and he placed the eggs in my mouth and I chewed. When I was done chewing I spoke. "You know I could go make my own food?" He shook his head and continued to feed me. When we were done eating I washed the dishes and August didn't bother to help. Instead he watched t.v. but I wasn't really stressing it. It was okay. After I finished washing the dishes I went over into his living room and plopped down on the couch.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked.

He looked at the t.v. for a while before answering. He finally detached his eyes from the t.v. and smiled that smug smile of his. I rolled my eyes wondering of the things he had up his sleeve. "I could do you if you'd like?" He said it more of a question than an answer. I looked at him and laughed.

"Funny but no."

He kanye shrugged. "I tried." He looked back at the t.v. once more. Then gasped. "We're going to the beach." I nodded my head.

"Alright I need to shower first." August smacked his lips and looked at me dumbfounded.

"Why? Your going to get back dirty?" I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to shower.


At the Beach

August watched me intently as I started to pull my black high waisted shorts down. I stopped when I had them half down and looked at him.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I flashed him a smile showing off my pearl whites.

"I took some last night while you were sleep."

"You did what?" I asked. August erupted in laughter.

""I'm just joking." He replied. I pulled my pants down exposing my bikini bottoms. August still starred but he got it together. I headed out for the water trying to waste no time. I haven't been to the beach in years. I was excited. I ran in the water splashing it everywhere but it wasn't long before August came over and dunked my head under water. I was furious. I didn't intend to get my hair wet. Now my curls would be all tangled up. Ugh. I sighed. I had a trick up my sleeve. I stood still with a shocked look on my face.

August starred at me. "You alright? You look shook up." I turned my back to him and acted like I was walking out the water suprisingly he came after me and I quickly turned around jumping up and dunking his head. Now I was the one laughing. August grabbed my legs pulling me under water.

"You b-tch made nigga!" I yelled.

"You mad or nah?" He asked. He swam further out into the water and I was right behind him. I wasn't playing the dunking game no more tho. We were just splashing water until August got the idea of playing footbal with these boys.I didn't play though I just sat and watched but when they were done we left.


Back at the house

"I'm so tired." August collapsed on his bed and so did I.

"I am too and I had fun."

"I did to-" Before he could finish saying what he was saying my phone interrupted him. I picked it up from the floor and answered it.


"Come in for work we need you now!" My boss yelled in the phone and then hung up. I got up getting my clothes together and my other things to take home to get ready for work. August sat up.

"Who was that? Where you going?" He scrunched his eyebrows up.

"It was my boss and I have to go in to work." I said aggravated. I didn't want to go in to work.

"Well tell him you can't."

"I can't August I need the money and if I don't go in to work it'll be serious issues."

"How much do you make a night I could give it to you."

I sighed. He really wanted me to stay that bad. "If I could I honestly I would stay but I can't I have to go to work."

"Why is it so important your a f-cking stripper? There's a tons of other strippers missing one night won't hurt anything. Is it some nigga you going to see?" August continued yelling and assumping shit.

"You need to chill the fuck out. Okay? Plus if I told you, you wouldn't understand so just drop it."

"Mayne whatever. Hurry up and get the fuck out!" He headed downstairs and I was right behind him with my things. He opened the front door for me and then slammed it right in my face. Ugh! I can't stand his ass!

When I got to work it wasn't even packed no where near it. Infact it was closed because of how dead it was. I was hella mad. I walked in through the back as usual. When I got in I saw a few girls. I went into my dressing room cutting on the light and shutting the door. It wasn't until I shut the door that I noticed my boss.

I rolled my eyes. "I missed one payment but I'm paying off the money soon, Rich. What is it now?" I asked.

He grabbed my hand interwinding it with his and kissed my neck. "You know I want you." He sent chills through my body and not the good kind. I snatched away from him.

"Well I don't want you. Now please if you don't mind I'm going home." I started picking up my stuff but he grabbed me again roughly pushing me into the wall.

"Rich get off of me!" I yelled. But he didn't he continued kissing on my neck. Oh gosh. I wanted to throw up and the sad thing about it was I couldn't even kick him in his balls.

"We can handle this the easy way or the hard way. Name which one you want?" Suddenly the door opened widely it was one of the gaurds saying they needed him.

"Don't go anywhere." He told me before leaving out the room.

As soon as he left I did too. But I didn't bother going back home first I needed to talk with August.


When I pulled up to his house his car was still there and his bedroom light was on from what I could see. I softly knocked on the door and waited for him to open it. When the door swung open August appeared mean mugging me.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"No." August tried closing the door in my face but I stopped him.

"Please? I need to talk to you."

"Well I don't want to talk. Go talk to that nigga you went to see at the club." August spat and slammed the door in my face. Ugh. I kicked the door hard with my combat boots trying to leave a dent but it only made my foot hurt. So I stood there in pain for a minute almost in tears. August retreated back to the door and looked at me then slammed it again. He probably only came back to see what the noise was. I limped back to my car and got it driving home. Tonight had been a long night.

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