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There have been a handful of times the Tsukiyomi palace has come together.  The first, was for the union of the King and Queen, many years ago.  The place and its people came together once more to celebrate the birth of the young princess.  And then again, with the disappearance of the Queen.  And now, once more, to mourn. 

Everyone from the village had come out to mourn with the royal family.  Although the gates remained closed, the villagers waited outside with their lanterns lit.  The sun was slowly setting, and surrounded the Tsukiyomi palace with peaceful orange and red skies.  

Within the palace wall, friends and family surrounded the royal grave.  

Kirito, Toushi, Momochi , Hajime and Ichi stood alongside Cai and Fumiko.  On the other side, was Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Kagome, and the others.  All were dressed in traditional plain black kimonos.  

A group of soldiers stood a ways away, keeping guard of the scene.  The small unit parted ways as Kamina walked towards the grave.  The royal family grave had been a small landmark preserved for when the time came.  Now, there was a single soul resting there.  As Kamina approached the grave, the soldiers stepped away from her in silence.  The others turned to face her.  

She was hauntingly beautiful as she approached.  Her pale skin created a contrast with the darkness of her kimono, and her long black hair.  The contrast was intensified with the darkness of her eyes, and the plump red of her lips.  The sutra had been read, and everyone had placed their incense at the grave.  Everyone except Ichi and Kamina.

Kamina stopped and looked at Ichi.  Her eyes were red and puffy from the tears, and her cheeks lightly flushed.  She held on to the incense so tightly, Kamina feared it would snap.  Toushi followed Kamina's gaze to Ichi.  Hesitantly he placed his hand over Ichi, as if snapping her from her saddened trance.  Ichi looked at him, softening her gaze and taking a deep breath before nodding.  

Slowly, Ichi stepped forward and stood in front of the grave.  Engraved in the stone was "Yukimura Ni"  and engraved smaller, " A wonderful daughter, and sister. " The incense was placed at the base of the stone, and Ichi said a silent player, before placing the incense in its place as a tear fell down her cheek.  She turned, and met Kamina's gaze.  

Kamina frowned sadly , and set her hand on the top of Ichi's head.  Ichi wiped her eyes and nodded before returning to her place beside Toushi. 

Kamina took a deep breath and knelt down in front of the gave.  her hand lightly traced Ni's name on the stone, before she placed the incense in its place as well.  

I'm so sorry, Ni.

 Kamina stared at the grave for a moment longer before Sesshomaru set his hand on her shoulder. Kamina sighed, placing her hand over his. "It's alright." He said, low enough for her to hear. Kamina nodded and reached into the sleeve of her Kimono.  She pulled out a red spider lily and placed it on Ni's grave before standing up. 

Momochi's gaze was fixated on the grave as stray tears ran down her face in silence.  Hajime glanced at her and lowered his gaze sadly.  In an odd way, it pained him to see her like that.  He turned his attention back to the grave, but not before holding Momochi's hand in his. 

"May her soul find peace. " Fumiko smiled sadly. Cai kissed the side of her head before she stepped forward.  In her hands was a small paper lantern, already lit. Kamina set her hand on her shoulder and nodded, as did Ichi.  Fumiko looked up, before releasing the lantern.

As the sun set, and its final light disappeared, the lantern shined brightly in the sky.  The villagers looked up before releasing theirs as well.  In unison , the lantern's soft orange glow illuminated the night sky, in memory of Yukimura Ni. 

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