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The white snow dropped around Kamina and her balcony. Her dark eyes simply stared off at the sky. Did snow have a source? Or, did it fall aimlessly, like Kamina lived? While being alone out here, she thought of this.
She couldn't place her thoughts, nor her emotions. But, at the moment, her biggest fear was getting weak-legged in front of him. This she feared greatly. Kamina did not express it. Instead, she would hold out a hand and catch a falling drop of snow.
Her ear twitched at the sound of heavy footsteps quickly making their way towards her room. Had she time to react? She could run... or hide... But, she couldn't move.
Kamina stood frozen at the balcony like a goddess carved from ice.
The sliding door of her room met with the brim of the wall as Hajime burst into the room. Even so, he didn't stop running. The young man finally slid to a stop at the entrance of the balcony, and his blue eyes widened in disbelief. Being even at such a distance, Kamina could listen to his small pants, as his chest rose and fell. The way his feet adjusted below him to not slip on the snow. She witnessed all this.
In a way, or so, she found these small details soothing. Gathering up most of the courage in her body, Kamina turned to face him. At first, she turned partially, slowly, to look at him. Seeing his face, she smiled and then turned full way. Letting her light red lips spread into the softest smile she could conjure, she welcomed Hajime.
" Hajime... It's nice... to see you again." she said, tilting her head to the side.
Hajime starred at her more. while he stood there, waiting for his own courage to show up, Kamina inspected him. His dark black hair was pulled to a low braid, letting his bangs fall and frame his chiseled face. He was taller, and slimmer. He had accumulated more muscle, and his body was very fit. Unlike before, Hajime no longer wore his kimono. Instead, like many of the servants and guards of the palace, he wore western clothing. Though, this signified him as ninja.
Even so, the most interesting thing about him, was he showed his right eye. Surprisingly, the symbols and such, were gone. Kamina took in a long breath, in attempt to speak again.
"Um... I know. It's been a long time."
Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished her sentence, Hajime stepped towards her. Instantly, his strong arms pulled her against him, and he held her against his chest. Kamina's eyes widened in surprise, as she felt his warmth collide with her cold body. She was tense at first, holding a hand on his chest as he suddenly trapped her.
Hajime had wrapped an arm around her waist, and the other around her shoulders. He hid his face in the crook of her neck, making chills go up and down her spine as he felt his lashes brisk her when he blinked. She looked over his shoulder, as silence suffocated him.
With the cold weather making his breath visible, Hajime spoke. So soft, only Kamina would hear. "I'm so glad." Those three words were all he said. A few moments whent by, and Kamina was still as confused. He had confessed to her before, but was this embrace stated to show it?
" You're all wet. You'll catch a cold." Hajime told her. The falling snow which rested on her kimono melted, leaving the fabric soggy. Kamina processed his words. Soon enough, her body relaxed. She was able to relaxe within his arms, letting him hold her there, and keep her warm. Now, Kamina thought she didn't mind his lashes passing over her neck. Or his breath against her ear. Yes, she didn't mind at all.
Instead, Kamina let her hands rest on his chest, as she clutched his shirt. " I'm sorry."  

 Kamina and Hajime pulled away after a few moments, and he brought her into the room. There, he placed a blanket over her to keep her warm. The two of them sat on her bed in silence.
"When did you come back?" Kamina asked.
"About a month ago." Hajime replied. "Once I got here, I ensured everything was at peace, and the Queen let me stay as a guest."
Kamina nodded. It was typical of her kindness. Fumiko never held a grudge, but could pack a punch when she wanted to. In her short amount of time here, Kamina noticed the changes within the castle. Guards were short. She hadn't heard of an army. It was peaceful, was all she could say. But, peace doesn't last very long, in this era.
"Hajime." Kamina spoke, turning to him. He looked back at her, gazing into her black eyes, with his own blue ones. " Do you still wish to serve by my side?" She asked, her voice softer- it was barely audible.
Hajime couldn't help but crack a smile. She was timid with things like this. When she spoke to men, such as he, she couldn't express her feelings well. This was why Hajime didn't pressure her. Why, he never made the first move, even when he could. But, he swore it was different now. The dog demon was an outcast, and no one knows of him. Hajime, didn't even believe he was searching for Kamina.
Even so, Hajime pushed his hateful thoughts aside. His smile was soft, as well as his eyes. They reflected everything he felt for Kamina, and wished to let her know it. Hajime rose his hand, and touched her cheek, making Kamina raise her head to look at him. He nodded, before parting his lips to speak. "I will serve you, more than anyone else ever will."
After some time, Hajime left the room, and promised to return soon. Kamina was later on visited by her mother. The grim look on her face was something Kamina was not used to. Immediately, Kamina stood up from her seat in front of the mirror, and faced her mother. The woman who guarded her, waited outside, and slid the door closed behind Fumiko. Kamina knew this. Just as she knew that her mother still had a vulnerability, and still needed to be protected at times.
Kamina waited a few moments, as her mother sat, before she spoke. "What happened?"
Fumiko shook her head. "Nothing to be too worried about. " She responded. After a few moments, she included. " Kamina, you are unaware of the political changes of the castle. Having been gone from the kingdom for over fifty years, a lot has changed." She said.
Kamina paced to the other side of the room. " Let's not play with words, Mother. Please, tell me what's happened." Fumiko sighed, and set her hands on her lap. "I'm here to explain some things to you."
"And they are?"
" A few hours from now, tomorrow, your father and I will have to order you to a conference. You must attend, not as our daughter, but as royalty. " Fumiko explained. Kamina followed with a nod. " Everything will be explained there. However, in order for you to answer the questions you will be asked, I must explain to you the occurrences of the castle. "
Kamina nodded again. " I understand." She said, walking over to the balcony. The cold wind was falling harsher, and Kamina had to close the doors.
Fumiko stood up. "Sutendoburedo was brought to the palace. " Fumiko sighed. Kamina turned to her slowly, holding on to the doors. Her face reflected the deep thought she was in. " It is being kept under seals in a shrine at the end of the palace."
"Is this really the most important thing you must tell me?" Kamina asked bluntly.
"Kamina, this is just as impor-"
" My contract with that demon is my second priority. Right now, the most important thing to me, is the well being of the palace, and my parents. " Kamina said, turning to her mother. Her arms rested at her sides, as she watched her. " It seems there's something I should be concerned about. There's a lack of guards. And when I arrived, something about the frontal Captain told me I arrived at a wrong time."
Fumiko looked down at her lap, with furrowed brows. "You could never have arrived at a bad time. " she said softly. " It's just all the rumors around the land. We're in a bit of trouble." Fumiko explained.
Kamina tilted her head. "Trouble?
"Yes." Fumiko nodded, raising her head. " Listen carefully, Kamina." Fumiko began once again. Kamina walked closer to her, sitting on her bed. "As I just said, you will be called to a meeting tomorrow. You will need accurate information, so I want you to head out and get to know the circumstances of the palace. You need to think quick, but thoroughly."
Kamina raised a brow. "Are you trying to tell me something?"
Fumiko responded with a mysterious chuckle. "As your mother, yes. As your Queen, I'm giving you your first order. I expect great things from you."
Kamina scoffed, amused. "I see. " She said, before standing. She took a few long steps towards the doors, with her arms crossed. "I'll begin, your Highness. " She said in an amused tone. Fumiko smiled, seeming to replicate her daughter as she stood.
"One last thing." Kamina said. Fumiko looked up. "This is a request as the princess, not your daughter. " She continued. Fumiko listened carefully. "Keep this from those who arrived with me. And from Hajime. " She said, before leaving the room.  

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