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I think before anything, I would like to thank all of the readers of the Losing You  series. When my first chapter was published in 2012 on Quotev (then known as quizazz) , I didn't realize how many of you would actually read, and enjoy it.  Six years later, the series is finally at an end with over 150,000 reads by over 10,000 readers .  So thank you, to all of you that have read along since the beginning.  And thank you to those of you that have read along since it was posted here on Wattpad not so long ago. 

Out of all the fan-fictions I've written, as there have been a few, this one was by far my favorite.  I genuinely grew along with this series. As Kamina's character developed into the monarch her family and her people needed, I also developed as a writer. This series for me represents a great amount of growth in my writing style and characters development.  

Because of this, I felt the need two provide two more updates.  I took a great deal of time writing the epilogue, so I must apologize for the wait.  My reason for it, is because I didn't want Kamina and Sesshomaru's story to just end, and have it be forgotten by me, and all of you.  Introducing the 'Next Generation' in the Epilogue provides me with the possibility to one day continue the story.  With this final update, I hoped to clear up any questions you may have.  

Yes, this is the 'end' of this series, so to speak.  I mean, come on. Six years, and one giant demon fight later, I think Kamina deserves a break.  I don't believe I will come back to this series anytime soon. But by introducing Akane, Riku, and Haruko, I have the opportunity to continue this if I want to in the future.  So, maybe we'll be seeing Kamina and the gang again soon. 

With that being said, I had a wonderful time reading all of your comments over the past six years.  And, I'd like to continue writing for you all. So please, if you have any requests, leave a comment or contact me. Or, If you think you'd like for me to stray away from fan-fictions, and do an original, let me know as well.  

Again, thank you for reading. 

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