One Last Step (pt.2) // C14

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"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live" - Norman Cousins

Amberle's POV:

"What the heck Daniel?!? You leave for a few hours and come back wanting to end this?" I said as I raised my voice.

"Amberle, you have to understand I don't think we can make this work with my career and the child" Daniel said trying to comfort me.

I slapped him, "I was willing to do anything to make this work! I was going to help you with your child and you want to throw all of this away?".

He began to speak but I cut him off, "seriously? After everything it took for us to be together you just want to end it just like that?".

"I don't have a choice!" Daniel said. His towering height made me slightly frightened but I didn't loose my ground.

"What do you mean you don't have a choice! Everything you do in life is a choice! You have control over what happens to you so don't you dare tell me 'you don't have a choice'!" I exclaimed.

"I love you Amberle! Can't you see? That's why I'm doing this! I don't want you to sacrifice your life for my mistakes!" Daniel said.

"If you loved me then why are you putting yourself in a position to loose me? I would sacrifice my life for you and I don't care about your mistakes" I said calmly as I looked into his now mournful eyes.

"Amberle-" he started but then he kept quiet.

I kissed him one last time as a single tear fell from my eye.

"I just had to do that, one last time..." I said as I saw a tear fall from his eye. "I think I should go back to Washington...I'll start packing" I said.

"I think that would be best" he replied.

I was so caught up in our feud that I forgot that Lillianne was watching the whole thing.

"If you'll excuse me" Lillianne said as she walked into the kitchen.

We waited until she was clear around the corner before we made any movements; It was Daniel who was the first to make a move. He ran up to me, picked me up and spun me around before he set me down and wiped away my tear. He gave me one last longing look before he pulled me into a tight embrace. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around his back.

I sighed, "that was horrible, I never want to do that again" I said as I started to tear up again.

He stepped back to look at me, "don't worry, I am right here and I'm never going to leave you" he said before he cupped my face and kissed me.

"Come on, let's go see if our plan worked" I said as I grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen corner where we could spy on Lillianne.

"Yes! Yes! My fake pregnancy plan worked to separate Danny and Amberle!" Lillianne said as she jumped up in excitement.

As if, little did she know I found out about her fake pregnancy and texted Daniel. Yeah, the whole breakup thing was just a scam to get Lillianne to admit the fake pregnancy.

"Not so fast dearest sister" I said as I stepped out from behind the corner with Daniel behind me.

She turned around and I saw the shock on her face, I couldn't help but smirk.

"We know about your fake pregnancy" Daniel said as he intertwined my hand with his.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about", Lillianne said before she looked down at our hands, "you guys aren't broken up are you?".

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