Be A Maverick // C6

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"Be A Maverick" - Logan Paul

Amberle's POV:

Several weeks passed and it was pretty much routine around here...I would go to a social event with Daniel and we would act like a couple only to come home and for him to crush my heart again. At this point, I've learned not get my hopes up...but there's still a part of me that will always care about him. I heard someone open the door, bodies dropping, and then a bunch of screaming and yelling so I decided to go downstairs to see what was up.

"That's muh boiiiiiiii" a tall strange man said.

I came down the stairs in a teal wrap maxi dress with a plunging neckline and I guess I caught the attention of this strange man.

"Who is this?" the man said as he looked to the boys.

"I am Amberle Rose...and I can introduce myself. You don't need the boys to tell you who I am" I said as I finished descending the stairs.

"Damn, she's feisty" the man whispered to the boys.

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" I said as I joined the group.

"I'm just a choch from Ohio" he responded.

"In other words, this is Logan Paul" Jack said.

"Oh so, Jake Paul's older brother?" I asked.

"Yes, how do you know my brother?" Logan asked as he rolled his eyes.

"We did a couple collabs here and there" I responded.

"He always did get the cute ones" Logan said as he looked into the distance...then he cracked up laughing. "In all seriousness, aren't you Daniel's girl".

"Duh!" I said as I walked over to Daniel, grabbed his hand and kissed him on the cheek.
"So what are you doing here at 5 pm Logan?" I asked.

"The boys called me over to shoot their Wednesday mashup" he replied.

"So this is where you go every Wednesday" I asked as I looked up into Daniel's far as I knew, Logan doesn't know about our act.

"Yes, but we decided to switch things up this week" Daniel said as he kissed my forehead.

"You guys are my otp, but you also disgust me" Jonah said.

Daniel and I both started giggling.

"Okay, well you boys do what you want to do and do you want me to make dinner or are we going out?" I asked.

"Make us dinner!!!!" Jack said.

"Yes!!! I love your cooking!!!" Daniel said as he jumped up in excitement.

"Okay, okay...Logan will you be joining us for dinner?" I asked.

"I don't see why not" he replied.

"Ok, so I'm going to the store to get things...don't do anything stupid" I begged.

They all started to laugh as I sighed.

"Okay, I'm going....I'm also going to take Penelope." I said as I grabbed Penelope off the couch and went out the door.

"I don't even want to be here" Penelope complained

"I know, but I needed company!!" I replied.

"You know we're going to be surprised with fans right" Penelope stated.

"Yes, that's why I have these hats" I said as I gave her a large floppy hat.

Penelope wasn't a model or an actress like me, she was a singer who was on The Voice and placed second overall...but that was 4 months ago and now she has 2 platinum records, 3 hit-singles, and one Grammy.

"Hurry up! Zach promised me cuddle time" Penelope stated.

"You guys are cute but disgusting" I replied.

"Isn't that what Jonah said about you and Daniel?" Penelope asked mockingly. "So about you's been a couple weeks do you love him?".

I was completely startled by her question and I didn't know if she knew about the scam or not so I lied and said "I don't know...all I know is I really really like him".

"Well that was anti-climactic" Penelope said as she rolled her eyes.

"I think I have everything I need" I said as I looked into the cart to check everything twice.

"Great! Let's go to cutest cashier!" Penelope said as she started walking towards self-checkout.

"But that's self-checkout" I yelled out after her.


I laughed and continued to follow her.

It was about 5:45 when I got home and I knew the boys would be done soon so I started cooking. I finished about 45 minutes later and just in time because the boys started to walk in.

"So what did you make us?" Corbyn asked since he was the first in the kitchen.

I waited until everyone was in the kitchen until I stated "well I made chipotle orange glazed pork chops with low-fat scalloped potatoes and a orange pepper cucumber salad with lime garlic vinaigrette".

Everyone started to cheer in joy once I finished saying what we were having.

"That sounds amazing!" Jack said.

"Will you ever stop making us healthy foods?" Zach asked.

"No, it's not my fault I'm concerned of your health and Logan here seems like an athlete so he kinda needs healthy things." I replied.

"Thanks for considering that" Logan said as he held a vlog camera.

"Wait....I know you honey and I know you always make dessert" Daniel said suspiciously.

"You're not wrong..." I said as I was interrupted by more cheering and excitement.

"So what did you make us?" Jonah asked.

"I made Tarte Tatin and homemade old-fashioned vanilla ice cream." I replied.

"Sounds French" Zach said as he raised a finger to his chin.

"Yes, it's a childhood recipe my mom used to make all the time" I said. "Well everything is on the countertop behind me if you want to dig in...there's plenty there, seriously I could feed 20 people on what I made".

"Yay! We can have that for breakfast" Daniel said as he kissed my cheek.

"Actually, I'm making Nutella and strawberry crepes in the morning" I said loudly so the other boys would hear.

The boys silently looked at each other before erupting in cheers. I love cooking for the boys because this is the reaction I get.

"Damn, she's a keeper" Logan said as he looked at Daniel.

"I know" Daniel said as he wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you" he whispered into my ear before he went to get food like the others.

I watched the boys devour the food before they went to mess with Logan before he has to go home. I just stood admiring how happy they all were. Today was a good day and I can't wait for tomorrow....
A/N: This chapter was shorter compared to my last chapter and sorry about that? Idk if y'all like shorter or longer chapters but whatever? Hope you're still enjoying my story!

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