One Step Closer // C1

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"Say Yes to New Adventures" - Unknown

Amberle Rose Lafontaine's POV:

I felt my chestnut curls bounce with every graceful step I took as I strolled down my father's company's halls. I really never liked it here, I mean it was always a professional setting and it distinctly smelled of coconuts. As I approached my father's assistant I noticed she had more makeup than usual...I presumed she was trying to impress someone at the work office. My father's assistant was never really breathtaking, she had honey blonde curls with hazel eyes but she always hid her curls in a bun and wore glasses to cover her eyes but today she wore a blue shirt that complimented her complexion well.

"Good morning Miss Stone" I said as I approached her desk. "Where's my father?"

"Amberle, please call me Margret and he's in his office" she replied as she handed me his daily coffee.

"Thanks, catch you later Miss Stone" I stated as I start towards my father's corner office.

"Amberle! For the last time call me Margret" she called out as she stood up trying to represent authority.

I stood at the edge of the hall as I tried to remember if his office was located to the right or left corner of this floor. I always got lost in his building even though I visit every week. I waited in patience trying to remember as the heat of the coffee seared my skin. I followed the scent of vanilla and rosemary, since that was my father's cologne, to the right corner office. I placed my hand on the cold brass door knob took a deep breath, turned the knob, and walked into my father's office.

"Amber! Darling I missed you" my dad exclaimed as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

"I missed you too dad" I choked out as my Dad's embrace got tighter.

After some time he released me so I gave him his coffee and proceeded to sit on the lavished white sofa with the faux fur pillows. He sat across from me in the equally lavished sofa with the matching pillows.

"So Amber, how is our New York office?" My dad stated as he took a sip of his triple, venti, soy, no foam latte.

My father owns LafontaineKey which is a multi-million dollar, nationwide, cyber security company. I have my Bachelor's degree in both Computer Science and Business so he likes to send me to his other offices so I can check on them and observe life in the office. I know what you're thinking, I have my bachelor's at 18 and I know that's crazy! However, I finished all my high school classes my freshman year and I went into college from there.

"Everything was wonderful, I mean the building was great, New York is gorgeous, and I love the people who work at your New York office" I replied as I awkwardly played with my thumbs.

"How is your modeling contract with Calvin Klein?" He stated as he set his coffee down on a coaster on the marbled coffee table separating us.

"It's great! I get to work with so many new people and they are all so very talented" I said as I looked to my right to where my father's desk was located.

"Good to hear that you're doing well. I heard that your summer blockbuster movie was racking up in sales."

"Yes, well I just love my fans and I guess they were super excited about my movie."

"I saw it sweetheart and I thought it was absolutely marvelous! I loved it!"

"Thanks dad, that means a lot coming from you but I actually have to get going, I just wanted to stop in and say hi!"

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