Family Reunion // C12

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"In my family, crazy doesn't skip a generation" -Unknown

Amberle's POV:

"What?!?" Daniel said with his eyes basically popping out of their sockets.

"Well not my actual sister, she's my half sister" I said as I gave Lillianne a glare.

"Yeah well her dad had me with my mom before he left her for that ugly witch Bridgette" Lillianne said as she looked at her nails.

"Oh you did not just call my mom a witch! I'm coming for you, you little b-" I said as I tried to attack Lillianne but Daniel covered my mouth and wrapped his arms around my body tightly.

"What are you doing here?" Daniel said as I squirmed.

"I think you know why" said Lillianne as she leaned against my nightstand.

I was too curious to know what she meant so I relaxed enough for Daniel to let me go. He kissed my head before he released me.

"Daniel, what does that mean?" I turned around and asked him.

"I have no idea" he replied.

"Danny, I'm here to rekindle our romance" Lillianne said as she blew him a kiss.

I turned around faster than the speed of sound, "WHAT?!?" I yelled.

"Well I see you haven't had the ex talk with your new arm candy" Lillianne said.

"Did you just call me arm candy?" I said as I eyed her suspiciously, "GET OUT" I yelled.

"I don't take orders from you little can't hurt me" she said as she pat my head.

"Lillianne," Daniel said in a serious tone.

"Ugh fine..." Lillianne said as she rolled her eyes.

I crossed my arms as I watched her leave and I was surprised to see her pull my man into a kiss! What?!? Excuse me!?!? Um No...

"See you later babe" Lillianne said to Daniel as she walked out the door.

I stood in shock...what the heck? I didn't know if I should feel hurt or angry so I was both.

"D-Danny..." I started

He immediately rushed over to me, "she kissed me, not the other way around okay?"

"Okay...." I said before I kissed him and then I pushed him away.

"What the heck!? You dated my sister?!?-" I started.

"Half-sister" Daniel corrected.

"Whatever! You still dated her! Do you still have feelings for her? I mean she did you pull you into a passionate kiss so she has to think things aren't over between you guys", I began as I started to pace back and forth, "oh my gosh, if you guys are still together does that mean I'm what? The rebound? I can't believe you wo-".

Daniel cut me off with a kiss, a slow and passionate kiss. Then he kissed my forehead before saying, "I love you and only you, I don't know why she thinks we're still together because we're not. I ended things with her but she must be still hung up on it".

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