A Night to Remember // C4

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"I can't tell if he's killing me or making me stronger" - Unknown

Amberle's POV:

As I walked towards the living room I saw that Corbyn was cuddling his girlfriend on the couch and Jonah, Daniel, and Jack were standing outside discussing things. I was starting to feel nervous about talking to Daniel again so I wanted water. I took a pitstop into the kitchen and I have never regretted that so much. Zach and Penelope were hugging and swaying to imaginary music. They kept giggling and blushing so I assumed they were saying cute things to each other. I walked past them to the fridge and I heard part of their conversation.

"Penelope, you're the prettiest girl in the world and I wouldn't trade my time with you for anything" Zach said as he kissed Penelope's forehead. "There is no one who can ever compete with you because in my eye, you pass all the competition. I am so sorry for the way I pranked you, I know how much you love your hair and it was wrong for me to dump gum into it."

"Zach, you are so sweet! I love you so much!" Penelope said as she blushed.

"Penelope I love you more than anything, and if you leave me...I'll be broken forever." Zach looked down at Penelope and said "I beg of you to please never leave me, no matter how bad things get...I believe we can stick together through think and thin because you are my future".

"Oh Zach, I won't leave you...not for anything" Penelope replied.

I kind of felt bad for listening in so I grabbed my water and rounded the corner but I still peeked in because they were just melting my heart!!!

"That's good to hear because-" Zach dropped down to one knee and looked into Penelope's eyes with hope, "I want you to promise me that you'll always be there with me even when we get into fights and even when we hit on other people because one day, I believe I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, do you, Penelope Hope Montgomery, accept this promise ring that represents our everlasting love?"

"Oh Zach! That was beautiful!! Of course I will!!" Penelope replied with enthusiasm.

I heard the soft cries from Penelope assuming that she was overtaken by joy and I watched as Zach placed the ring on her finger, hugged her, picked her up, and proceeded to carry her out of the kitchen. I waited until they were gone before I went outside to join the other boys.

"Hey boys!" I exclaimed with joy.

"Hey pretty thing." Jonah said as he looked at me with those dazzling eyes.

I could sense Daniel giving him the death glare but me and my liquified heart didn't care because he already expressed his feelings towards me.

"It's nice to see you Amber, but I assumed you would be getting ready for tonight." Daniel replied with a cold tone.

"What's tonight?" I asked in confusion.

"We're going to Emma Watson's birthday bash tonight, in approximately 3 hours" Jack replied.

"Three hours?!?! That's not enough time for me to get ready!!!" I yelled in anger. I slapped my water bottle into Daniel's hand and ran inside and upstairs to my room.

"I can't believe those boys didn't tell me before! Ugh!" I stated to myself. "What should I even wear? It's Emma Watson! She's my idol!!! Ughhhhhh. Can life get any harder???" I complained as I flopped onto my bed.

Before I noticed, Penelope slipped into my room and tackled me on my bed. She seemed happier than usual and I think I know why. I caught a glimpse of her Sapphire ring as it sparkled against the sunlight.

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