Challenging The Kings // C5

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"Life is full of fake people. Trust no one" - Unknown

Amberle's POV:

Last night I cried myself to was one of the worst nights I've had in awhile. Do you know what it's like to have your heart burst with the universal energy of love only to have it crushed into pieces. I quickly covered my head with my pillow as I tried to smother out the sunshine that shined through my curtains. I tried to fall back asleep but Penelope prevented that.

Water. She spilt a bucket full of water on my face...I have never been more annoyed.

"Penelope Hope Montgomery! That was unnecessary!!!" I yelled at her as I started beating her with my now wet pillow.

"Well better me than one of the other boys right?" she said as she defended herself with another one of my pillows.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I grabbed both of our pillows and threw them on the ground.

"It's August 16th child! The semi-annual prank war at the Why Don't We house! Now get up" she said as she ripped my covers off. "Ew, why are you still wearing the dress from last night?".

"I was really tired and I fell asleep" I responded without telling her about my heart being crushed. "So what's this semi-annual prank war stuff?" I asked as Penelope helped me out of bed.

"So twice a year the Why Don't We boys have a prank war to have fun every now and then. Basically, until noon it's girls against boys and after that it's everyone for themselves."

"Are there any rules?" I asked as I walked over to my vanity and started to brush my hair.

"The only rules are that no pranks are allowed if they are violent and or could potentially harm anyone in any way. Second, in order to get someone out of the war you have to plan a prank that startles someone and in that moment of weakness you smash a balloon filled with glitter on their head and throw on the Necklace of War around their neck. Third, you have to wear your pj's. Fourth, you gotta look cute!!! That last rule isn't an actual rule, I just threw it in there" she said as she sat on the edge of my bed.

I rolled my eyes as I told her I was going to take a quick shower and brush my teeth...she said she was going to pick my outfit. I came back out five minutes to find that she picked out a ridiculous black romper that was meant for pajamas and it was wayyyyyy too scandalous for Kendall Jenner. It was a silk, black romper with a deep v-neck and lace running down the hemline. I saw that she changed into a simple blue romper with lace accents and she had the biggest smirk ever.

"Penelope....what is this?" I asked her as I slowly approached the romper.

"It's what you're wearing Amber!" she said with the biggest smile I've ever seen her have.

"That's great Penelope, but where's the rest of it?" I asked as I gave her a look of disgust.

"Hate to break it to you, Amber but that's all of it".

"WHAT?!?! It looks like it went through the paper shredder!!! I can't wear this in front of the boys!!!"

"Of course you can! We are trying to seduce Daniel are we not?"

I could help but feel the sting of tears form at the corners of my eyes as she said that name. Nevertheless, I held back my tears because "big girls don't cry".

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