New Beginnings // C3

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"Time changes everyone" - Unknown

Amberle's POV:

I can't say I wasn't disappointed when I woke up. However, I can't imagine a more perfect way for me to meet Daniel. Although, these pesky feelings kind of ruins things. I was just hoping that maybe my old crush on him would die out and we could just be friends. I know I didn't mention my crush earlier because I was hoping it was just a thing of the past but who could not adore that cute little boy!?

"Amberle! We're landing in 30 minutes! Do you want to change now?" Elena asked as she looked up from her laptop.

"Oh, um that sounds like a great idea!" I replied as I unbuckled my seatbelt and started walking towards the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom and contemplated which outfit I should wear and if I were to be completely honest, I contemplated which outfit Daniel would like best. I decided to wear a black lace corset with black floral shorts, my lucky silver necklace, and a white cardigan because it's Spring. Then I pulled my hair into a low ponytail to compliment my soft curls and I added a large side braid as an accent. I touched up on my makeup and left the bathroom.

"Oh perfect! You're just in time for the plane to land and you look amazing!" Elena said as she applauded my outfit!

"Thank you" I replied as I paused and did a few sample poses.

"I recommend you sit down for our landing" she suggested and pointed to my seat.

"That seems like a good idea" I responded with a smile on my face.

I sat down just as the pilot announced we were landing at a private terminal. The second we landed I heard the screams of my amazing fans waiting for me...just like my dream. I stepped off the plane and waved to my adoring fans!

As usual I greeted each and every fan and gave them either a picture with them or an autograph because I love my supporters. Unfortunately, the paparazzi also showed up and kept asking me questions regarding my sudden trip to L.A. I ignored them and proceeded into the limousine. My driver seemed to be about in his mid-30's with light honey hair that was covered up by his hat.

"So have you been to L.A before?" my limousine driver asked.

"Yeah, I actually have...I think it's lovely! What's your name?" I asked curious as I looked into the front seat.

"Bryce Jones" he replied.

"Well Bryce, I'm thankful that you're my driver. You seem like a nice person"

"Thank you but trust me, it's an honor to be Miss Lafontaine's driver. "

I smiled and he continued with his small talk while we drove up to Beverley Hills.

"So do you always get bombarded by your fans and the press?" he asked.

"Yeah, but when my fans do it, it's not really bombarding it's just a social gathering." I replied as I smiled thinking about my supporters.

We pulled up to the Why Don't We house and I couldn't help but stare in awe as I realized how gorgeous the house was.

"Well we're here, it was a pleasure driving you. You're not like most celebrities, I hope to see you again" Bryce states as he helped me out of the car.

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