| Chapter 12 | After School Fun

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> Picture of Crow Howsley <

"Octave? You still alive?" Maki asks poking me as I lay on the comfortable grass of the court yard.

"I heard you played a song with a ruler!" Shiro happily states getting a loud groan to escape from me.

"Let's make a list of what she's done today." Arions chuckles.

"First class, she back talked to Mr Denver." Uni smirks.

"Second class, she suddenly got dumped with a huge project by Mr Edison." Violet pats my head.

"Third class, she challenged Mr Hendricks." Naya states.

"Sorry about that." Maki adds.

"Fourth class, she was so darn adorable!" Derrick coos getting all of us to look over at him, "What? She was!"

"A face never to forget with her looking so confused." Owen sighs while Jason nods in agreement.

"What!? Why didn't you tell me this earlier?!" Shiro nearly screams as the triplets just shrug in response.

"Fifth class, she helped me." Rika mumbles getting all the attention to her now as she blushes and just glares back getting them to look away.

"And she met your brother." the triplets including Shiro frowns.

"You didn't get in trouble at lunch, did you?" Maki asks getting a weak 'no' out of me.

"Sixth class, she got in trouble with me." Sung Gun speaks getting a few shocked looks towards him.

"Because she kept talking to him." Maki sighs.

"Seventh class, I heard that she put on a show." Arions shrugs.

"Eighth class, she had Mr Hendricks again." Lero states not mentioning what happened after class, "Also, there were these jerks that bumped her in the hallway."

"Name. Grade. Appearance. Now." Shiro demands getting a rock to be thrown at him by me.

"And then the ninth class, she had the ruler stunt." they all speak getting me to let out a peace sign.

"How do you get into trouble so easily?" Rika asks frowning getting a weak shrug from me.

"I. Have. No. Clue." I cry feeling all my energy has deflated.

"Cheer up now! It's the end of the school day!" Uni claps her hands.

"Speaking of being the end of school in a few minutes, Octave, are you busy?" Shiro asks with a huge smile on his face.

"Let her rest. Of course she won't be busy after all that's happened today." Rika snaps.

"Actually," I push my upper body up while half lays on the ground, "I have a hang out with Crow."

"Crow?" they all question.

"Who's that?" Maki frowns as I sit up with my legs crossed.

"A friend of mine in junior high who also came here. I was going to hang out with my other friend who also came with me to transfer here, but he's busy with catching up. So Crow asked me if we could hang out." I explain taking out my phone and showing them the text message.

"Caw Caw Caw?"

"That's his username on my contacts." I shrug, "His name is Crow, and that's how crows communicate.

"Wait, do you mean Crow Howsley?" Violet gasps getting the other girls to do the same.

"Ya, why?"

A Musician To Be Reckoned WithWhere stories live. Discover now