Chapter 19. Kick Ass!

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"Who's going to stay with Ellen and the kids for protection?" Kaleb asked.

"Dammit! This is why I wanted to go alone! You all could have been here!" I growled.

"Look we'll get someone ok" Brandon said.

"Look, i'm not even going that far ok? And I'll take some guys from the pack with me, I just need you here with Ellen, not some strangers" I sighed.

"Look if we let you do this without us, promise to call if you get into big trouble?" Brandon asked.

"Yes" I replied looking each and everyone of them in the eye.

"Ok then" Kaleb said.

"Good-luck" Brandon said hugging me tightly while Kaleb joined in.

"Come back to me" Daniel said his voice cracking a little bit.

I looked at him and kissed him with all the passion I had in me.

"I will, I promise" I said before kissing him lightly on the lips again.

I took one last look at them and ran downstairs in my wolf speed to get my things and ran out the door to my car.

[ Let's get this over with ] My wolf huffed.

[ Just what I was thinking ] I replied as I started my car and set out on my journey.



I was sitting around looking on the internet, trying to find anything I could on the Alejando guy. I found a couple of numbers of guys and got information out of them. I found out he could be workign with weres or maybe worse.

I went to find Kaleb and Brandon to tell them, Ellen and the kids were still asleep, seeing as its like 3am...

"Guys i found out some stuff about this guy" I said clearing my throat.

"Yeah?" Brandon asked.

"A few guys says he knows about weres, and he might be working with a few of them and maybe even worse..." I said.

"Crap, we have to tell Rox... no doubt she'll go in blind" Kaleb mumbled.

"No she's getting backup" I said.

"Knowing Rox, she'll 'forget'" Brandon added.

"Crap, crap, crap!" I groaned.

"I have to get a hold of her" I said.

"Yeah" Kaleb and Brandon replied.

I got out my phone and tried calling her, when she didn't pick up after the thrid time I called her I began to get worried.


I had my bag in the backseat of my car and my music playing on my stereo as I zoomed down the road.

I was driving fo two hours until I reached the rough side of town. I pulled up to Burt's Bar. It looked old and broken on the outside, the parking lot was mostly empty with a few motorbikes and a few cars here and there. There were tags across the walls saying 'Thug Life'. I looked and laughed. i made sure to mask my scent before I got out of the car in case any other weres were here. 

'Idiots" I mumbled making my way to the entrance.

The doors were in horrible state, the place looked like it hadn't been looked after properly in years. I sighed and decided 'why not make an entrance?'. So I lifted my leg and kicked the door open with force, to my surprise the door flew off its hinges and flew across the room.

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