Chapter 30. Falling Skies

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The trip to the park was short enough and we sat on a bench as the kids went off to play.

"I want to get to you know you" I stated.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" She smiled at me.

"Tell me about yourself" I smiled intertwining our hands.

"Well i'm 18, I'm in my last year of school, I love animals and swimming, I live in the pack house, I have all my life, I want to be a vet when I'm done school, your turn" She smiled.

"Well, I'm part of triplets, myself, Kaleb and Roxxi, we are the Alpha's children, I finished school this year, I want to go to college but I might not be able to, I like animals and all sports, I like music too, and wanted to be an entrepreneur" I smiled.

"Why can't you?" Isabella asked.

"Pack duties" I smiled sadly.

"Oh" She smiled back.

"Want to play questions?" I asked changing the topic.

"Sure, you first" She smiled.

"Favourite color?" I asked.

"Yellow, you?" She replied.

"Red" I smiled back.

"Favourite food?" She asked.

"Pizza, you?" I replied.

"Pasta" She laughed.

We continued on with questions for a while until I found out  a lot about her as she found out alot about me. I found out her favourite...

Colour, Yellow,

Food, Pasta,

Animal, Lion,

Movie, The Notebook,

Director, Tim Burton,"Ok

Actor, Johnny Depp,

And loads more, we learned a lot about each-other in the little while we spent in the park.

"Issy, can we go now" Her little brother huffed.

"Yeah sure" She sighed.

Then I heard Roxxi in my head.

'Guys, dad needs us, it's important im here in his office with him, get here as soon as possible!' Was all she said before putting her shield up.

"I gotta go Is, pack duties" I sighed.

"Oh ok, well were going back there anyway, you can drive" She smiled tossing me the keys.

"Ok" I smiled back walking to the drivers side.


Chapter 30


I love seeing my brother's so happy together it makes my heart swell. I sat on the bench thinking to myself as Daniel walked over.

"The kids want to stay here with friends tonight, that ok?" He asks.

"Sure" I smiled.

"Cool, I might stay too, my mom misses me.." He laughed.

"I bet she does" I added.

"You staying too?" He asked.

"N, i've got a few things to do" I sighed.

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