Chapter 13

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I hadn't expected Octavia to react like that. Maybe Bellamy, maybe my mom—but not her. Afterward, she apologized tremendously, but the damage was already done. Besides, I wasn't the one she should truly be apologizing to. 

Lexa didn't return for a while, and by the time she did, Octavia and Lincoln were gone. I was sitting on the couch when she did so, and I stood once she came through the door. 

"I'm sorry." I murmured. 

"No." She smiled subtly, trying deeply to reassure me. "You have nothing to be sorry for. It was natural for her—everyone, really—to be doubtful. It will just take time."

Sometimes I was unsure of how she could be so wise and forgiving when the situation definitely did not call for it. I often underestimated her in that regard. 

She moved to the couch and sat next to me, the sleeping newborn still in her arms. 

"Now," she said quietly. "I'd like to discuss names."

I smiled. That sounded like a nice idea.

"Did you want to name her after anyone?" She questioned quietly, her eyes skimming over to me quickly. I understood. She wanted me to say no.

"No. Everyone I would name a child after are all men. My father, Wells, Finn..." I trailed off. 

"I was hoping we could name her after my mother. The meaning of her name is quite appropriate, as well." Her eyes drifted from the baby to me. I waited for her to continue. "Her name was Seren."

"Seren." I whispered the name, a quiet lullaby on my lips. "What does it mean?"

"Of the stars." Lexa murmured. "Of course she is Trikru, but she will have a part of you, in spirit. And I like to think the stars sent her to us."

I smiled. "I love it."

Lexa's nervous smile brightened. "You do?"

I nodded. "And a middle name?"

"Middle name?"

"On the Ark, sometimes children are given a middle name." I explained. "What about Anya for a middle name?"

Lexa's smile fell just a bit.

"What is it?"

"I told Luna I didn't want to name her after someone that reminded me of a difficult time in my life. I did name her after my mother, but in a way, it's different than something like Anya or Costia."

"But with a middle name, you won't be using it all the time, while still honoring Anya." I murmured. She smiled and nodded. 

"Seren Anya."

I bit my lip sheepishly. There was another middle name I was hoping to throw out there. 

"Seren Jake Anya Griffin kom Trikru." 

Lexa glanced over at me with shock, but after a moment nodded. "Of course."

"It's a mouthful but...I love it." I murmured, grabbing onto Seren's fingers. 

"Me too." Lexa murmured. "I suppose we should tell your mother."

I swallowed. I hadn't spoken to her since I returned. Ever since she was going to happily sacrifice Lexa, things were tense. I didn't trust her. Not like I used to. 

Lexa noticed my uneasiness. "She was doing what she thought was best for her people. It was a rough time for her. Her judgment was clouded." Her face softened. "It's time to talk to her."

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