Chapter 15

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A/N: You'll see who that is  ;)


Clarke was avoiding me, although I wasn't sure why. I had asked her if she wanted to head down to the market to get supplies for Seren, but she didn't care to. So, instead, I went with Luna. I wasn't ready to reveal Seren to the world yet, so I left her in the care of Raven and Bellamy when Clarke was unable to be found.

"We named her after nomi." I said, picking up a toy horse and throwing it into the basket.

Luna smiled. "I knew you would. She had such a pretty name."

"And Anya. And Clarke's father." Luna popped an eyebrow.

"Three names?"

"Two middle names. They're a Skaikru tradition." I explained.

"What is Clarke's?" She asked, looking at a display of candles intently.

I realized that I didn't know. She had never told me. I felt a pang of guilt. I should know.

"I'm not sure. I don't know if she has one." I said. Luna nodded.

"I got word from Flokru." I said. Luna turned her attention to me, wide-eyed at the mention of her clan. "They're doing very well, despite the famine. Sangha is getting older but his daughter, Kass, is more than ready to take his place." I glanced nervously at Luna. Sangha's position was supposed to be temporary, with Luna returning eventually to take it back. Although, Sangha was supposed to be the leader. It was his bloodline. But after Sangha's brother died with no children or wife to pass it on to, it was thought Sangha would take over. However, some of the people knew of Luna's night blood, and believed she would be the best leader.

Luna's eyes flashed with recognition. Kass was the sister of her husband, after all. "How old is she now?" Luna asked.

"Seventeen winters."

Luna narrowed her eyes. "That is too young to lead a clan."

"Flokru is a very small clan." I reassured her. "And I was almost done with forming the coalition by that time, and the leader of Trikru, a much larger clan."

Luna glared at me. "I am the rightful leader."

"Because they chose you." I said. "Because you were a natblida. Not by bloodline."

Luna's nose flared with anger that was bubbling beneath the surface.

"I've proven myself." Luna whispered, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I need to go back."

I hesitated. She had proven herself. I trusted her completely now. So why couldn't I let her go? I had done it before, so why not now?

"I can't." I said. "You can't."


I swallowed. "Because I need you here." Her gaze immediately softened, and she waited for me to continue. "I miss you." I breathed.

A small, sad smile graced her lips. She came over and grabbed my hands.

"If I go back, I will still be your sister again. I will visit and I will write." Luna murmured. "But, right now, I cannot leave you and Seren."

My eyes lifted from the floor to her.


I nodded, wiping away a tear.

"Still, I want to make it known that if Sangha does pass and Kass takes his place while I'm still here, that her position is temporary as well. When I return, I expect to have it back."

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