Chapter 29

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I had always believed that Clarke challenged my patience as much as anyone ever has, or anyone ever could. And then came Seren. 

Seren got me up in the early hours of the morning, and kept me awake until all of the stars made their appearance. Her spit up had ruined countless dresses and shirts, and I lost track of how many times I had to clean my armor because of it. I believed I had more battle scars on my face than I did on my body from her flailing hands. 

But as she grew, I started to realize that uniting the thirteen clans was not my greatest accomplishment. Though I didn't make her, raising Seren into the bright girl she was becoming was my greatest accomplishment. 

So when Deacon threatened my greatest accomplishment, there was no mercy. My suspicions about him were true, and he didn't deserve forgiveness. Not after Luna tried to reason with me, or Clarke begged me. 

One day, Clarke and Raven were out with Octavia and Lincoln getting baby things and I had Seren for the day. The natblidas were begging for my attention after spending the past several days being whipped into shape by Indra. The debate between bringing Seren with me and making Indra hold her (not Indra's favorite activity, as one would imagine) or putting Luna on babysitting duty was quickly put to rest when Luna was nowhere to be found. 

Talie, Wyan and Alcoa squealed with excitement when they saw me dismount with Seren strapped to my chest. Seren, squirming and fussy and begging to be free (she was like me in that regard) was quickly handed off to the girls as I led Astraeus to the side of the clearing. 

Returning to the center of the clearing, I called the natblidas over and took Seren back, much to Wyan's chagrin. We sat in a circle, the natblidas watching me patiently.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around as much." I said to them, while cradling Seren. She was getting a little too big to just hold for hours on end. She wanted to get up and roam but right now I needed her calm. "I know my priority should be with training the future Commander."

"No, Heda." Talie said, speaking up for the group. "Indra has been teaching us well. And Luna and Lincoln sometimes."

I smiled softly. "Be that as it may, I should be teaching you the majority of the time. Not Indra. So I'm sorry, and from now on I will be devoting more time to you."

We stood and the natblidas paired themselves off and began sparing. I observed, while struggling to keep my grip on Seren. Perhaps it was a bad idea to bring her. Maybe I should've looked harder for Luna. 

I hadn't kept up with whatever was blossoming between Easley and Aden. It had always been somewhat frowned upon for natblidas to develop that sort of relationship, but never against any rules. Although, no one usually had to worry about it enough to make a rule. Both parties in the relationship realized that at least one of them would die, and they didn't want to be the ones to make that happen. 

But now I watched them sparing. There was a sparkle in both of their eyes. Some of the natblidas, though they were friends, took sparing seriously. Alcoa, Joplin, Talie and Keane didn't even smile when they spared. But Easley and Aden were the opposite. They laughed, they joked around. It was endearing to watch, though worrisome. The Commander must have discipline, and Easley and Aden demonstrated very little of it. 

One time Aden knocked Easley down, and it was a little rough even by my standards. Easley seemed fine and laughed it off, but I could still see the guilt flash across Aden's eyes. He helped her up, and though I was sure Easley would refuse it, as she usually does, she took his hand gingerly and let him help her. 

"I'm sorry." He said. Now he really gained my attention. Natblidas never said sorry during training. For them, it was their duty to one another to push them around, give them cuts and bruises. It made them stronger and well prepared for the real battles. 

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