Chapter 23

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The journey to Arkadia was long and the cold was bitter, biting at our skin. Octavia shivered next to me, although I knew she was trying to keep her signs of being too cold to a minimum. She didn't want to worry me. But it was too late.

"I'm okay." She whispered.

"You're pregnant." I murmured. "You can't get too cold."

"Trust me, this kid is a hearty little one." O said, breathing out a laugh.

"Just like his mom." I said.

"His?" O questioned. "You think it's a boy?"

I nodded.

"What makes you think that?"

"It's just a feeling. Why? Do you think it's a girl?" I asked, pulling her closer to me.

"I guess I never really thought about it."

I hesitated. Was that a bad sign? Did she not dream about our child? Did that point toward the fact that she had never really wanted it?

She sensed my hesitation and was quick to explain.

"It's not easy to be pregnant in this world, and it's even more  difficult to be a newborn." O murmured. "I didn't want to think about him or her, or their future or whose eyes they would have. Just in case it didn't happen." Her eyes lowered.

I paused and turned to her, resting my forehead against her's. "I'm not going to let anything happen to our goufa." I whispered. "Or my houmon."

She opened her bright eyes and nodded.

"Oh." She stammered, leaning back and moving her hand to her abdomen.

"What? What is it?"

O laughed. "It's nothing. He's just kicking." She grabbed my hand and put it on her belly. I laughed as I felt pressure against my hand.

"It's the first time he's kicked." She said.

My eyes watered as I felt the life we had created moving against me.

"I love you." O said.

"I love you." I said, leaning in for a kiss.

O pulled away quickly and pointed ahead of us. We were here.

We visited Raven first. She was sleeping, but she looked well. Bellamy was by her side, with hair that hadn't been washed in days. O practically shoved him out of the room, but not before he asked her how she was doing and commented on how big O was getting, much to her annoyance.

We met with Abby afterward about the ultrasound. She said it would be relatively quick and completely painless. We got situated in an exam room and Abby put some clear gel on a handheld device of sorts before putting it on O's belly.

O stared at me the whole time, trying to keep her eyes off of the screen and Abby's face. She was worried.

"How far along did you say you thought you were?"

"The healer said six months." O said.

"More like 7. Baby should be quite active by now."

O's face dropped. "He just kicked for the first time today."

Abby glanced from the screen to O. "That's most likely alright. Now, did you want to find out the gender."

"No." O said, not waiting for a response from me.

"Clarke mentioned you've been feeling extremely tired."

"Yeah." O breathed.

"That's to be somewhat expected, but your fatigue may be increased by the fact that you're having twins."

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