Chapter 33

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It had been two months since I released Deacon from prison. He still hadn't fully regained our trust, but he was trying. He asked about Seren but didn't push to see her. I hadn't seen Luna this happy in a very long time. It seemed like, for her, she finally got her life back. And this time it was going to stick. 

Raven was still going through her treatments, but Abby believed that they were working. Raven was still in pain and tired most days, but hope had returned to her eyes. It made Bellamy more hopeful, too.

Seren was growing more and more by the day. She said "mama" to me the other day. Clarke was angry that she didn't say "mom" to her, but she calmed down after she explained to me that its easier for babies to say "mama" than "mom". 

Octavia was a better mom than we were, it seemed like. She had no problem juggling two babies. Lincoln, of course, helped. But it seemed that O never really need it. 

Leo and Ivy grew more and more into their personalities. It was obvious who was becoming the favorite of both Lincoln and O, though they insisted that they didn't have favorites. When they said this, Bellamy, Raven, Clarke and I rolled our eyes. 

Bellamy wasn't a big part of Seren's life when she was only a few months old, but he wanted to be involved every second in these babies' lives. That was very hard when O never handed them over. Lincoln had to coax her into letting him and Raven babysit sometimes. 

My birthday had quickly come around, and I was surrounded by my friends and family in the throne room as I opened my presents.

I had Seren balanced on one knee as I opened gifts from Octavia and Lincoln, Luna and Deacon, Raven and Bellamy, Thrandr, the natblidas, and even Indra. 

I had opened the last of them when Clarke stood. "One more thing." She said, before grabbing a small bag that was hiding behind a chair. "Two, actually."

I smiled softly as she handed it to me. 

"It's from Seren." She said. 

I laughed. "Is it now? She picked it out and everything?" 

Clarke smiled. "'ll see."

I opened the bag and peeked inside before pulling out a necklace. At the end was a small clay pendant with Seren's thumbprint pressed into it. 

I teared up a little. "I love it." I leaned down and smashed my lips against Seren's cheek. "Thank you, ai hodness." 

As I was pulling my head up I noticed Clarke holding a ring. Her eyes danced between mine. 


"You're the one...the love of my partner in this life and the next. Will you add wife to the list?" Clarke said with a small laugh. 

I smiled, setting Seren down before standing and taking a few steps toward Clarke. 

"Of course I will," I said, before pressing my lips to hers. I could feel her smiling against my lips. I couldn't contain it either. Cheers erupted in the room and everyone stood to congratulate us. 

"Dammit, I guess Lexa is officially off the market." Raven said loudly. I pulled away just in time to see Bellamy look down at her and roll his eyes. But he was still smiling and his eyes shined with love.

The uproar died down a few moments later, but it returned again. I glanced around, wondering what had caused it this time, before I saw Seren walking toward us. 

I looked at Clarke, an even bigger smile crossing my face. 

"She's walking!" Clarke yelled with glee. 

We both knelt down, urging her to come to us. She was focused on the movement of her feet, holding out her hands to catch herself, until she reached us. She looked up at us, proud of herself and we wrapped our arms around her, kissing every inch of her face and head. We let her go, and watched as she roamed to Luna, which upset Raven and Octavia, but put the brightest smile on Luna's face. Deacon kept a safe distance away as Luna knelt down and spoke to Seren, but he watched them with love. I smiled and glanced at Clarke. Perhaps he had fully regained my trust. 

After Seren had grabbed onto Luna's hand and led her away, I walked over to Deacon. 

"It's time your punishment is lifted." I said to him. He smiled but looked shocked. 

"Really? So soon?"

"Yes. Or would you prefer to hold onto it a little longer?" 

"No, no." He said. "Thank you."

I nodded. 

"I'm still going to keep an eye on you." I said. "Especially around my daughter."

He nodded. "Understood."

Seren had circled back around and was making her way towards Deacon. She leaned against his legs and smiled up at him. He glanced at me for permission to interact with her. I nodded. 

He knelt down and tickled her, causing her to laugh. I smiled and saw Clarke smiling at me from across the room. 

The next day I took Clarke and Seren to the lake to celebrate. As we climbed off our horses, I gripped onto her hand and led them down to the lake. 

We spent a few hours splashing in the water with Seren and leading her around the lake and surrounding forest. It was the perfect day.

As the sun began to set, Seren grew tired. I sat on the ground, leaning against a tree. Clarke sat down and leaned against me, with Seren sleeping in her arms. 

"Sometimes this doesn't feel real." Clarke said. 


"This life." She said. "Two years ago I was fighting to stay alive. I couldn't think past it. And now here I am, getting married and having a family." 

"So much has changed since you walked into my tent." I said. "Though I can't look back on that moment too fondly, given the reason I was there. And the events that followed."

"Even though we've taken lives and made decisions that we'll have to live with, I'm glad we took the paths we did. Because they led us here." Clarke said.

"And there's nowhere else I'd rather be."

"Now what do we do with this boring, domestic life?" Clarke joked, looking up at me as she ran her hand up and down Seren's back. 

"It's not boring at all." I smiled. "It's perfect. It's what I always dreamed of, but knew I'd never get." 

"And now, because of you, Seren can have whatever life she dreams of."

"And she won't ever be alone in it." I said. "We'll always be with her."


A/N: Okay so that's the end! I hope you guys liked it! 

I may be adding a few one-shots of years in the future, with all the kids, but I may not. And it will be a while before I do that, if I do. Or maybe one day I'll write about Seren when she's older. 

Anyways, thank you for reading! I know I haven't kept up with updating, and again I'm so grateful for those of you who have stuck around. Your support has meant more than you know. What began as a way for just me to deal with my grief turned into a book loved by thousands of people. I hope I've helped some of you deal with your emotions too, and gave you an alternate ending you can hold onto. 

I'll cherish these books and you guys for a very long time. Thank you so much. 

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