Chapter 14

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Lincoln was disappointed in my reaction to Clarke's news. I could see it written on his face. He didn't have to tell me. After my outburst, he suggested we spend time with the natblidas. They had been neglected for a few days now, especially from Lexa. Still, I could see what he was doing. I wasn't a fool. He was trying to convince me—thinking that by somehow spending time with teenagers that I would be assured that Clarke and Lexa could properly take care of an infant.

We took them outside behind the tower, past the stables, where there was a small clearing meant for last-minute training before conclaves and fights. They were excited to be out and training with us, practically itching to be in the sun.

Lincoln took my hand, leading me over to a shelf of rocks. He waited for me to sit before doing the same. I looked at him expectantly.

"You underestimate Clarke and Lexa." He said. "They're strong. They're more than able to care for a child."

I sighed with annoyance. I didn't come here for a lecture.

"Raising a kid is a lot different than winning a few battles and slaughtering people. They're leaders, not mothers." I said, staring out at the kids to ease my anger.

"They can be both." His eyes were still on me.

"I'm not so sure." I murmured.

"Fine." He said. "But they are not letting her go. It's best if you accept it now, because your disapproval is only hurting yourself."

I kept silent.

"And the issues you have with Clarke and Lexa becoming parents aside, don't you want to be part of the baby's life? Don't you want to be aunt?" Lincoln said.

I smiled. That did sound nice. Less responsibility, too. I leaned my hands against the rock, the gritty pebbles rubbing against my hand.

For the next hour, the kids fought over us. They all wanted to spar with us, but we were only able to play with one (or two. I am a skilled warrior, after all) at a time. Once we had all finished, the natblidas relaxed on the grass, joking around and telling stories. Lincoln and I retreated back to the rocks.

I had my eyes closed, the sunlight shining through my eyelids, and was leaning back when Lincoln spoke.

"O." I sat up, opening my eyes. Lincoln nodded toward Clarke, who was walking toward us. I swallowed, preparing myself for the battle that was about to ensue.

"I understand if you can't accept Lexa and I being parents, or Seren—"

My ears perked. "Seren?"

Clarke's gaze softened and she nodded. "That's what we named her."

I allowed a small smile to touch my lips. "That's a beautiful name."

"Thank you." She murmured, pausing a moment before continuing. "Anyways, I understand. You don't have to be part of her life."

I found myself shaking my head, stepping off the rock and standing before her.

"That's not what I want." Clarke waited. "I'm still having a hard time wrapping my mind around the idea of you guys being moms...but I still want to be part of her life just as much as Raven or Luna or Lincoln. I'll come around." I murmured.

Clarke smiled softly. "Okay."

I reciprocated the gesture. "Okay."

"Well, I have to get back because Raven is watching her and I'm a little concerned," Clarke said, taking a step back. "Oh, and my mom will be visiting for a few days."

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