Chapter 27

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I woke up to bright, yellow sunlight streaming in through the window. The bed dipped where I lay, though normally it dipped more on the right side where Deacon was. Today, the dent he left in the bed was smoothed over. I sat up with a heavy heart and suddenly I wasn't surrounded by candles anymore.

I was in my old home by the shore. I could hear the waves slowly making their way onto the sand, and seagulls flying overhead. I inhaled the fresh air, a million memories pouring back into me with a single breath.

My home was a simple one—nothing like the luxuries we received at the tower. We didn't feast every night and our beds weren't covered with thick, soft furs from Azgeda. But for most of us, this was how we liked it. It didn't matter much anyhow. Our true home was the sea.

"Hi," A familiar voice called. Heavy boots grossed through the house.

"You better take those off before you go leaving sand and snow in my house, mister." I said.

Soon enough I only heard the light footsteps of my houmon. He rounded the corner and smiled. I took in his youthful face. He didn't have a beard, and his hair was cut short. His frame was slender. And his eyes were brighter.

He moved closer and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in and giving me a quick kiss.

"Where were you off to?" I asked him, running my hand down his arm.

"Morning scouting." He said.

I smiled. He would make a good leader one day. He took on his duties with pride and without being told. He was born for this.

"I missed you." I murmured.

He laughed lightly. "From the looks of it, you barely noticed I was gone."

I threw my hands up in surrender.

"So what's the rest of your day look like?" I asked him.

"Well," he murmured, wrapping a piece of my curly, red hair around his finger. "How does spending all day in bed sound?" He leaned down for a kiss.

I laughed against his lips. "It sounds wonderful, hodnes, but I have training today and you have a meeting with your father."

"We can cancel."

"No, no, no." I said, getting up and sliding pants on. "The future King and Queen of Flokru do not cancel to make love."

"King and Queen, huh? Since when did we become a monarchy?" He asked, sitting on the bed. "And maybe we're canceling to make an heir."

I gasped cheekily, pulling on a shirt.

"We're much too young for children now." I murmured. "Your father was even uncertain about our marriage at this age."

"Yes, and for no good reason because look at us." He said. "We're doing just fine."

"We are. Without kids, for now." I murmured. "Besides, I've got a pack of impatient kids waiting for me now."

I slipped on a jacket and grabbed my bow before walking back to the bed. I cupped his face in one hand. My whole world was right here.

"I love you." I murmured, leaning my head against his.

He placed his hand over mine. "I love you, too."

With another quick kiss and a wave goodbye, I was out the door.

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