Chapter 24

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On the ride over to Molly's I texted Jay and Sierra.

C-Sierra. Grab Kacee and head to Molly's but don't tell her anything other than I want to hang out with you guys.

C-Jayyyyy. Kelly and I are heading to Molly's. Wanna meet us there?

S-okay sketch. Do I get to know why?

C-Kelly Severide

J-Funny enough, I'm already here haha. Antonio invited me out for drinks. So I'll see you in a few?

C-see you in a few :)

S-enough said. See you there

I was grinning at my phone. This plan was turning out to be even better than I thought now that Antonio was going to be there.

"What are you grinning at?"

"Jay is at Molly's with Antonio."

"Oh lord. I'm gonna have to deal with your sexual tension? Ugh I'm definitely gonna need a drink."

We parked and walked into Molly's. Jay and Antonio were at the bar. Sierra and Kacee weren't there yet. I walked over and kissed Jay on the cheek and gave Antonio a hug.

"How was dinner?"

"It was good! I don't know that I've ever actually eaten at Toby's."


I looked over Antonio's shoulder to see Sierra and Kacee walk in. I waved them over.

"Did you invite them here?"

"It's a bar Kelly. They come here on their own free will."

"Oh man. Come on, man. I wasn't prepared for this."

Kelly ran his hand through his hair and straightened out his shirt.

"Damn son. What the hell has this girl done to you?"

"Shh! Hey Kacee. Sierra. What's up?"

"How's it going, Severide? We're just out to blow off some steam."

"Fancy seeing you here."

Sierra turned to Antonio with wide eyes. "Antonio! I didn't know you were here! And Jay. Good to see you again."

Jay leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I have a feeling this is more than just coincidence for them."

I smirked at him and nodded. "I felt like playing matchmaker tonight. And it worked out perfectly that you were here with Antonio. Sierra has not shut up about him since Friday."

"Neither has Antonio."

My mouth dropped. Antonio was crushing hard on Sierra? Who was crushing just as hard back? They could definitely work this out. Kacee was leaning against the bar next to Kelly, who looked so uncomfortable. I walked up beside him and motioned to Hermann for another beer.

"Loosen up Kelly. Talk to the girl."

"I don't know what to say." He whispered in a harsh tone.

"You always find something to say to women. Ask her what she has been doing on her day off. Tell her she looks nice. Just think of something." I hissed as I grabbed my beer and turned back to Jay, Antonio, and Sierra. After another minute, Kelly finally turned to Kacee and started talking. I'm guessing whatever he was saying was fine, because they both had the cheesiest grins on their faces. It was adorable.

The music seemingly grew louder. Next thing I know, Jay put his arm around me and leaned towards Antonio to talk. Now I figure it's just so he didn't lose his balance. But still, Sierra caught my eye and I gave her the silent He's touching me, I'm freaking the fuck out signal. Her eyes trailed down until she saw where his arm was, then she smirked. I rolled my eyes and looked back to check on Kacee and Kelly. The two of them had moved closer, most likely because of the loud music, but they didn't seem to mind. I felt a nudge on my leg and looked back at Sierra. She was giving me the same look I just gave her. And sure enough, Antonio had his arm on the back of her chair, but his hand was resting on her shoulder.

A laugh slipped out and I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth, warranting strange looks from the boys, and a deadly look from Sierra. We spent the next hour like that, the music eventually getting lower, but none of us moving away from each other.

Jay checked his watch. "It's 10. Should we maybe call it a night?"

Kelly heard this and leaned back.

"I don't have to work tomorrow."

Kacee chimed in. "Me either."

Sierra stood up. "Well I do. As early as these guys." She pointed at me, Jay, and Antonio. "So what are you gonna do?"

"I'll give her a ride home."

Kacee's eyes grew wide then she shook her head to regain her composure. "Uh yeah if you don't mind, that'd be great."

"No problem, Cora?"

"Say no more. I'm gonna ride home with Jay."

I gave Kacee a hug. "It was good to see you again Ace."

Kelly wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. "Thank you for coming out with me tonight."

"Of course, hon. I'll see you again soon, okay? Be safe tonight."

"You too. I love you, you know that right?"

"I love you too Kel." I smiled and waved, walking out with the others.

Antonio stuffed his hands in his pockets. "We should do this again sometime."

"Don't you guys come to Molly's all the time anyways?" I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"I mean like... the four of us. Maybe. Hanging out sometime. I think it would be fun."

Sierra shrugged, trying to hide the smile creeping onto her face. "I'm down!"

Jay looked at me and smiled. "Yeah sounds good to me."

I nodded then walked over to give Antonio and Sierra hugs.

"Dawson. I'll see you tomorrow. Sierra. I'll text you tomorrow. Both of you drive safe."

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