Chapter 16

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The ride was quiet. No one really knew what to say, so we just let the muffled music play. When we pulled up to my house, I saw crime scene tape on the door.

"Dammit. I thought they fixed the door already. I'm sorry, C. They were supposed to have that fixed."

I waved dismissively at Erin and climbed out of the car. Jay went in first, to make sure no one was there, I followed with Erin right behind me.

"Okay. Try not to take too long. We don't want to risk anyone showing up."

I nodded and headed upstairs. I went straight to my bedroom and pulled a suitcase from the closet. I knew I wouldn't be able to fit in my normal clothes yet, but I still pulled the box of them out. I threw some sweats, maternity pants, old t shirts, and smaller dresses into the case. Rummaging through the bathroom, I found all my toiletries I needed and packed them up. Once I decided everything else could wait, I headed out the door. My eye caught the door to the nursery. Hesitantly, I pushed it open. It was still so perfect. Everything folded and stacked neatly. The crib was put together, ready to be occupied. A tear fell from my eye, so I turned around and walked out, shutting the door behind me. Walking downstairs, I looked around to see if I needed anything else. I stopped in the kitchen. There was still blood on the floor. Erin came up behind me and gently grabbed my shoulders to turn me away.

"I think it's time to go. Got everything?"

"Uh yeah. There's a box upstairs on my bed. I need that and I'll be ready."

Jay ran upstairs to grab the box while I loaded my suitcase in the back of Erin's car. Once he was back, we all piled in and took off. I tried to memorize how to get to Jay's apartment, but Erin took so many turns it was confusing.

"I'm so completely lost it's not even funny."

"We took some extra turns just in case anyone was following. I don't think they were, but just wanted to be safe."

"So it's not always this difficult to get to your place then?"

Jay laughed. "No. It's easy. I promise it won't take you long to figure it out."

I followed Erin and Jay upstairs to Jay's apartment. It was really nice inside. I'm not sure why I was expecting something run down, but I was thoroughly surprised. I sat my purse down on the kitchen and was going to start exploring when my phone rang.

"Hello?" My heart sank. It was the funeral home asking me to come in today to finish arrangements. "Yeah I'll try to be there around 1. Thank you."

Erin and Jay were looking at me, waiting for an explanation.

"I have to go down to the funeral home after lunch."

"Damn. I have to go back to work." Erin's voice was full of sadness.

"That's okay. I'll take a cab or something."

"I'll take you, don't worry." Jay waved his hand.

"Don't you have to get back to work?"

"Voight gave me the rest of the week off so I could help you get settled. So I'm all yours."

Erin looked at her watch and sighed. "Speaking of. I have to go now. I'm so sorry, C. I'll call to check in on you. Love you." She hugged me and waved by to Jay before walking out.

"So it is.... 11:00. Let me show you your room, and then if you want we can grab some lunch and head to the funeral home."

I grabbed my bag and nodded. "Sounds perfect. I'm starving and want real food."

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