Chapter 18

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"So. Jay Halstead. Seeing as we are going to be living together for a bit." I smirked at him. "Tell me about yourself."

Jay stretched back in his seat. "Well I have a brother, obviously. Ha uhm. We grew up in South Side. I was an Army Ranger. Not something I really talk about much. It was definitely an experience I won't ever forget but won't ever want to have again. I started working for Intelligence not long after I got out. What about you?"

"Uhm I'm from Lake Bluff. My dad, Mike, ran out on my mom, Mary, when she was pregnant. Never heard from him again. So I never met him. Mom and Hank grew up together. He and his wife helped her get on her feet when dad left. She died when I was 13, cancer. Hank took me in. I had known Justin since birth. Met Erin when I moved in. We all just became really close. Until I met Marco, and well you know how that went."

Our food was brought out and sat down on the table in front of us. It smelled so good, the table was silent except for the sound of chewing for the next five minutes.

"I haven't had George's in foreverrrr. This was delicious. Thank you."

"Not a problem. It's getting late. You ready?"

"Not really, but I guess I don't have much of a choice."

We drove to Bradley's Funeral Home where I met with Mr. Bradley himself. Planning a funeral is hard. But planning a funeral where you pick out a casket that is no longer than your legs? That's even worse.

"Okay Ms. Hudson. Just fill out this information, sign, and we will be good to go for this Friday. I'll leave you to it."

Mr. Bradley nodded respectfully and left me and Jay in the room. I couldn't stop the tears from falling as I picked up the pen. My hand was shaking so bad I could barely write. Jay put his hand over mine and squeezed.

"I'm here for you every step of the way. I promise."

Taking a deep breath, I nodded and started filling out the paper. Name to go on interim name plate: Bexley Kai...

"I don't want to put Marco's last name."

"Then don't. There's no birth certificate. Is there a death certificate yet?"

I shook my head. I hadn't given them a last name yet. They said I could come back next week and fill it all out.

"So Bexley Kai Hudson sounds perfect to me."

And that's what I wrote down. I put in the date, singular, that he was alive. I signed at the bottom and slid the paper away.

"I wanna go home. Well...."

"Say no more. I know what you mean. Ice cream and the couch is calling."

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