Part 17

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I honestly didn't know what to say to my children. Nothing other than the truth, I guess.

"Well, I need to tell you guys something. I'm going to have another baby." I told them, taking the test away from Sage.

"Why? There are so many of us already." she said to me and Peeta.

"I'm not having one baby. I am going to have twins." I said faintly.

Everyone was silent. I couldn't bare it. What was I thinking? I couldn't have another baby let alone 2 more!


Later on I found Gale. "Gale! I need to talk to you!" I yelled for him.

"Sure what's up?" he asked me.

"I can't do it. I can't have another baby. I have too many and they need me. I can't. I'm so so sorry I just cant."

I began to cry. I didn't want to let anyone down. no one was thinking about me.

"What are you saying then?" he asked slowly.

"I'm saying I want an abortion."

Another story about what would happen if Katniss were pregnant Book 2 part 1Where stories live. Discover now