Part 16

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As soon as Peeta left the room, I ran after Gale. I knew how he must feel about this. I wanted him to know it wasn't my fault. Well, it was but I didn't mean to hurt him like this.

"Gale! Wait!" I called out to him

He walked into his house with he use to share with Madge. She had moved to her own house not too far away after she got pregnant with Thom's baby. I followed him in.

"Gale, I swear I didn't mean to have this happen." I said.

Gale turned in the kitchen to face me. "Well, what did you think was going to happen?! Who will you stand by?! He doesn't understand what we have! You and I, we should have run off that day at the first reaping like we said. Then we would have had a happy life just you and I and our kids."

I stopped. I imagined the life he wanted and thought of the life we had. It hadn't seemed like a good idea then. But now...

"Yes, Gale. We should have. I do love you. But Peeta..." I said.

He cut me off. "No. You don't love him the way you love me. I know that for a fact."

"Gale! We aren't married! It's Peeta and I! We have kids together! You have babies with Madge!"

"I never loved her the way I love you. Just...just let me know when you figure it all out ok?" and with that, Gale walked away, closing me off from how he was feeling.

I walked back home. I had to tell the kids. Only, what would I tell them? That I have one baby that isn't from their father and one that is? How can you say that?

I open my front door and Peeta is baking fresh bread and the kids are playing a game in the living room.

"Peeta?" I ask.

"Yes honey?" Peeta asks me so sweetly my heart breaks.

"Um, what are we going to tell the kids?" I ask. I'm so nervous my palms are itchy and sweaty.

"We don't have to tell them yet..." he starts but Sage cuts him off.

"Mom? What's this?" Sage asks. I turn to see she's holding my pregnancy test. They gave me one to take home in the Capitol.

I look at Peeta.

"It's time now I guess." he tells me.

I nod and sigh. "Kids," I start. "Your dad and I have to tell you something and you might not like it."

Another story about what would happen if Katniss were pregnant Book 2 part 1Where stories live. Discover now