Part 13

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"So, a new baby, huh?" asks Gale. He's trying as hard as he can to make small talk but he can't seem to be able to without bringing up how it's his, not Peeta's. We are walking in what use to be the square. Past the bakery and the candy shop. The only time we can be together alone.

I nod. "We have to keep this under wraps. At least until I'm showing. But, I'm worried. What'll our spouses say?"

He sighs, "Look, Katniss. This much I do know. You and I, we use to be best friends, hunting partners. Now, your a wife and a mother to 4 beautiful kids and I'm a husband and a father of 3 beautiful kids. Can I let you in on a little secret?" He asks me.

I nod.

"Okay well, I never really liked Madge. you know that, right?"

I do. I don't say, but I do.

"Madge and I never really connected. Our parents wanted us together before you and I met. We married in secret. We, well, got Madge pregnant in secret. Sutton and Esme were both born in her house and under lock and key. I wasn't there when they were born. When my own DAUGHTERS were born. When Madge was in pain, I was hunting. Now we have Ryan. And now I have a chance to leave her. We don't have a very good marriage. Not a good match. She would thank me for getting you knocked up."

I nearly fall over. A bad marriage!? With Gale?!?! No! Not possible. Gale is the nicest person you could ever hope to meet. He's not that type.

Gale catches me. I stand upright.

"Well, what do you mean?'' I ask.

"Tell me, what's it like under Peeta's roof? Sleeping in Peeta's arms at night?" He asks me.

"It's nice...?" I say.

"Nice?" He asks.

"Oh yes. He's the one I married for love! I love Peeta! I can't just leave him because I'm with your child!" I say.

I turn and march towards my house. I don't care what Gale has to say at all. What if this kid IS Peeta's?! I would find out tomorrow but still! How dare he?! How DARE he think I would pick up and leave my husband! Who did the guy think he is?!

"Catnip, wait!" He calls.

I spin around. "What!? Wanna accuse me of not loving my children? Neglect them? ABUSE them?!?!"

"What?! No! I'm sorry!"

"That's all I ever hear!"

"You think I wanted this?! You think I wanted to marry a woman I despise? Have 3 kids with her? I would much rather have this baby right here with you than her!" He says.

"What?!" Says a voice.

I turn and see Peeta, watching us.

I run to him. "Peeta! It's not..."

"No, it's not, is it?" He says.

"Look, Peeta, I'm sorry that..." I start. He cuts me off.

"I know it's his baby. I know, okay?! So just drop it! I still love you as my wife, just not as my friend. So, choose. Have his baby, or mine."

"Peeta, what are you talking about!?" I ask.

"The doctor got your ultrasound pictures from the arena. it's twins. One his, one mine."

Another story about what would happen if Katniss were pregnant Book 2 part 1Where stories live. Discover now