Part 27

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I couldn't speak. I couldn't begin to explain how terrified I was. My Peeta, my beautiful husband. Was he dead? I hadn't heard from him in 4 months, neither had the kids. So was he?

I let myself fall to the ground. Tears streamed silently down my cheeks. It was too much to bear.

"PEETA! NO!" I shrieked when I couldn't stay silent any longer. "PEETA!!!!"

The peacekeeper woman called over to me. "Katniss? It's ok, you must calm down." she told me.

"No! I can't calm down! My husband is dead! Do you hear me?? DEAD!" I screamed. I picked up a rock and threw it, just missing her head.

"Mrs. Everdeen-Mellark! Calm down or we will be forced to sedate you!" She growled.

I continued to pick things up and throw them. I screamed and cried until I felt the sharp jab of needle in my left arm. I slowly lost consciousness as the world faded around me. Finally, I was at peace.

Another story about what would happen if Katniss were pregnant Book 2 part 1Where stories live. Discover now