Part 10

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It had to be Gale's baby. If I was pregnant, he was the only possible father.

Now, before you start thinking, that's crazy! She married Peeta and has four kids with him! Let me tell you, these things happen.

Let me explain...

Around the time we found Effie, it happened.

I was so frustrated as what to do with the situation, I went to ask Gale.

We met in the woods and we started talking and he kissed me.

"I've always wanted to do that." He told me.

Then it happened. It was a mistake and we swore never to talk about it again. I never would have thought I would have gotten pregnant by him then. But now...

"I'm the father?" Gale asked.

"Yes, I think so. Peeta and I haven't..." He cut me off.

"What will we say to Peeta! To Madge! Your sure!?" He exclaimed.

I nodded. "Yes, there is no one else I would have had a baby with in these past few months."

He sat on a bench in the middle of the room. I started to cry. "Gale! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry if this ruins your marriage with Madge and your relationship with Sutton and Esme and Ryan! I didn't mean for it to happen!"

He stood and walked over and placed his hands on my shoulders. "No, it's okay. We won't mention the baby's real father is me. Say it's Peeta's."

"No, I hurt him once when I was pregnant the first time. I can't do it again." I said.

"He will be angry, Catnip. We had an affair. They can't know." He said.

I nodded. "I'll go as long as I can. For us."

He kissed my forehead.

"I'm keeping this pregnancy a secret." I decided.

He agreed, for now.

The door swung open. There stood Snow.

"Hello, Katniss. I received the news. Congratulations on the new baby."

"I haven't had it yet. And you won't be alive to see the birth." I said.

"Really? I was thinking more along the lines of the child won't exist." He smiled his snake smile.

I stood strong as I was lead out to a hovercraft with the others. I say in my seat and didn't look Peeta in the eyes. I was quiet the whole way.

We landed in District 12 and I took in all the ashes.

"You are imprisoned here. You must rebuild the district as punishment." Snow said.

Gale had to come with us. We were all alive, Sage and Peeta and Madge and I.

"Where are my other children!?" I ask Peeta.

"Mommy! Daddy! Uncle Gale!" Cried voices.

I turn and see everyone else as well as Haymitch and Effie and a baby in Effie's arms.

"The baby is here?" I ask.

"Yes, it's a girl." Effie says. She explained all the details. Of the birth and the fact that Haymitch is her father.

"Congratulations!" I tell them.

They smile. "Her name is Ashlyn." Effie said.

"Beautiful." I say.

I greet my children and am reminded of the one growing inside me. I walk to my still standing old house,walk up the stairs and lay in bed. I made sure to lock the bedroom door.

"Katniss? What's wrong?" Peeta calls through the door.

"Nothing! Go away!" I yell.

As I sit up, I get the feeling. The feeling I hated most whenever I was pregnant. The sickness.

I run to the bathroom attached to Peeta and I's room. I make it before I'm violently sick. Worse than my other children combined. More vomit and more pains.

What did I expect? This was deffinetly Gale's baby and I was deffinetly pregnant.

Another story about what would happen if Katniss were pregnant Book 2 part 1Where stories live. Discover now