Part 5

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"Come on! We have to hurry!" I shouted.

"Give us a rest, Peeta! Please! Effie needs to rest! We can't have her have the baby out here! It isn't safe!" Haymitch said.

I felt the tears starting. Don't cry, I thought. We had been walking for two days so far and it was exhausting. Reeper left to help the people of 13 and pointed us in the right direction. He told us it was the arena Katniss and I were first in. It sickened me to think about returning to such a scary place. I couldn't bear it.

"Okay, fine. Lets rest. We must leave in two hours." I commanded. They nod and everyone but Haymitch and I are fall asleep. After I put Paris and Trojan and Cinna to sleep, we sat on a log under a cedar tree.

"I understand what you mean about wanting to move on. I get that. You miss Katniss. I do too. She's as good as a daughter to me." Haymitch says.

I nod. "It's hard, knowing she might be gone like that." I say, snapping my fingers.

Haymitch nods. He pats my shoulder. We stopped talking awhile, until It happend.

Effie woke with a start. She had that Look on her face. A look only Katniss once gave me. And I knew.

"Effie!" I run to her at top speed.

"What is it!?" Haymitch asks, running behind me.

"She's in labour!"

Another story about what would happen if Katniss were pregnant Book 2 part 1Where stories live. Discover now