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"When will you know?" Jade asks as I head for the door.

"When I know.. I'll let you know." I reply, continuing out of the door.

"Be careful Ro," she says.

"I am. Trust me." I promise her before I head over to my car. I need this job.

Although, my boyfriend won't agree with it. But what's to disagree with if he doesn't know? I head onto the highway, going towards the last place I ever assumed I would be going.

A strip club.

Of course, you're wondering why an 18 year old girl may be heading to a strip club. My answer? College isn't free. Sure, maybe both of my parents are successful in the movie industry and sure we live in Los Angeles, but why take advantage of what they have? Why not make my own money and live in my own place? Jade does it. Of course, Jade has been working her ass off and has three jobs. I'm taking the easy route.

I pull into the sketchy lot of the strip club, inhaling before I step out of the car.

"ID?" The bouncer questions as I begin to approach. I fumble with my wallet before taking out my ID. He checks it, eyes me a little, then hands it back and lets me through. I've only been eighteen for four days, yet here I am.

I make my way through the back of the club, walking through what appears to be a dressing room, before I get to an office. I knock on the door and wait, looking around the room a little. There's makeup and hair extensions strewn about, clothes on the floor, and bottles of alcohol everywhere.

"Can I help you?"

"Oh, I'm Rosalina Ventura, I'm here for -"

"Take it off." The man says, motioning to my clothes. I instantly regret my choice to be here. I listen to what he says as he walks back to his chair.

"Do you have a name picked out?"

"Scarlett." I respond. It might be similar to Rose, and I'm one uncreative person. It also matches the red lingerie I currently am wearing.

"You can start tomorrow night." He says, writing something down on a piece of paper.

"Thank you so much, this means a lot!" I say. The man chuckles, probably because this isn't exactly a dream job. But it'll pay the bills. It'll pay the tuition.

I exit through the back door, passing a couple of the girls. One of them had very obvious work done, making me a little insecure about the realness of my body. I need this money. My phone starts to buzz, the name "Oliver 💖" appearing.

"Hi babe!" I answer, trying to get my keys.

"Hey, I went to Jade's and you weren't there?" He sounds upset. As I unlock my car, an all matte black Range Rover pulls into the spot next to me. My eyes follow the door as it opens, a tan guy sliding out of the car. He walks right past me and goes to the door of the club.

"Hey Jack, what's good man?" The bouncer says, giving him a handshake.

"What's up Rick?" The guy, I assume is named Jack, smiles. He walks right into the club, no ID necessary.

"Babe?" I hear through the phone.

"Oh, sorry, yeah. I just had an errand to run. I'm going to Bryce's with Jade at 5 for a barbecue and swimming if you want to join us." I tell him, finally getting into the car. Bryce is Jade's boyfriend of three years. They're more of a "goals" relationship than any other I've seen.

"Of course I do. Who are you with?"

I roll my eyes, mentally thanking myself that Ollie can't see me.

"I'm alone, Ol. I just have to go home and grab something to wear to Bryce's and pick up Jade."

"Can you pick me up too? I don't have a lot of gas."

I agree, hanging up the phone. I glance over at the car beside me, my mind only on the guy who walked out of it and directly into the club.



AN: guys. it's been forever since I've wrote. ive been in a different living situation for the last year so it was difficult to write but im back loves!:)

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