Chapter 8: Hope

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The definition of hope: "The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. The small voice in our heads that makes us keep going and the last thing that is said to leave the human body. The light in the end of the tunnel. But if lost leaves with dreams and happiness."


When I woke up Diana's head were in my lap. When I fell asleep her head had been on my shoulder but I noticed that she didn't have her seat belt on and I guessed she had unzipped it while I was sleeping.

I also noticed that it was freezing. I heard how the air condition were going and how my seat was warm. But the wind that was howling outside the car window together with the horrible feeling in my gut gave a reflection on my body that was freezing.

I hated being trapped and being under someone else's controlling hand made me nauseous. I locked out and even tho I couldn't see much I still saw how we passed under a dim light from a lamp-post from time to time.

I didn't want Diana to wake up. I noticed that Scarlet and Isabella who sat in the row in front of me were sleeping but the peaceful face that Diana had when she was sleeping actually gave me a sense of comfort. I know I'm a creep. Don't judge.

But I noticed how the car started to slow down and suddenly we stood still. I heard how the driver window rolled down and how men were speaking in hushed tones. Words were spoken but I couldn't make out anything they were saying.

But I guess they knew each other and agreed on something because a man whistled outside the car and I could hear how something heavy was removed or opened. Probably a gate.

Diana slowly sat up. She looked at me and I gave her a small nod. She studied my face as if trying to think of something to say. But slowly she just reached forward and dragged her thumb over my chin. If somebody else had tried to that I would probably have smacked their hand away.

But Diana's actions never spoke of meanness or harm. She had an aura of... kindness.

"You had a makeup stain, sorry."

Once again I nodded. But my heart had started to beat fast again. The car kept driving at a slow speed and with that I knew that we had reached our destination. It was only a matter of short time until we would be introduced to it.

And when the car stopped and the engine was turned off, I guess soon really was too soon after all. I heard how the car doors clicked open and when I locked forward I saw how Scarlet and Isabella was locking around just as nervous as I was.

The door opened and when we came outside men were surrounding us. One by one we climbed out of the car and my feet was as good as done. As I, the last one of us came outside I noticed that it was night. I guess it had already been a day since we were captured. I wondered what time it was. But I didn't ask.

The men, all in dark suits came towards us. They looked similar to the men that had kidnapped us but all of them didn't have disgusting smirks on their faces. But they all looked at us closely. I pulled a bit harder at my robe belt.

A man got out from the driver seat. He was wearing a cap and sunglasses. He also wore a black hoodie, which if you looked away from his cap and sunglasses, made him stand out from the rest of the men.

He didn't hesitate to slam the car door and then started to walk. None of us dared to move. But when none of the men said anything and the driver got further and further away. I started to follow him. At the beginning I just heard how my heels connected with the ground. But after a short while I heard how the rest of the group followed us.

We were walking on a pathway with only woods around us. But as we kept walking. More men appeared from the woods. Soon you got used to it but when the first one did it I nearly screamed. Diana walked up beside me. Not daring to look ahead she kept her eyes on her feet.

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